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- 4x4 conversions of new cars and vans: www.dangel.com
- American imports: www.shipmycar.co.uk
- Brokers:
- www.drivethedeal.com
- www.coast2coastcars.co.uk
- www.carfile.net
- www.uk-car-discount.co.uk
- Build date: https://uk.vin-info.com/
- Build country identifier and VIN decoder: www.autohausaz.com
- Car buying/selling agent: www.apexlifestyle.co.uk
- Car buying services:
- www.motorway.co.uk
- www.webuyanycar.com
- www.wewantanycar.com,
- www.webuyurcar.co.uk
- Car Specifications: www.automobile-catalog.com
- Classic American Muscle Cars: www.classicautonetwork.com
- Classic cars for sale
- www.handh.co.uk
- www.classiccarsforsale.co.uk
- www.carandclassic.co.uk
- Clone check: www.mycarcheck.com
- Comparison sites: www.comparecontracthire.com
- Contract Hire and Leasing:
- www.dsgauto.com
- www.lingscars.co.uk
- www.ccleasing.co.uk
- Crash Safety Ratings: www.euroncap.com
- Dimensions comparison: www.automobiledimensions.com
- Disabled: Motability Scheme: www.motability.co.uk
- DVLA: www.dvla.gov.uk
- Finance and History Checks:
- www.autocheck.co.uk
- Car finance 247 calculator: www.carfinance247.co.uk
- www.rac.co.uk
- www.hpicheck.com
- Import advice: www.import-car.info
- Imports: www.specialised-shipping.co.uk
- Imports: www.bimta.org
- Inspections (vehicle inspections) generally: www.eliteinspections.co.uk
- Inspections (vehicle inspections) in Scotland: www.scotiavehicleinspection.com
- Internal measurements of cars: www.rica.org.uk/content/car-search
- Japanese used cars:www.japanesevehicles.com
- Left Hand Drive:
- www.lhdplace.co.uk
- www.londonlhdcentre.com
- www.transeuropean.co.uk
- Military vehicles: www.milweb.net
- MoT history: www.motinfo.gov.uk
- Racing Cars: www.racecarsdirect.com
- Scrapping a car www.scrap-vehicle-disposal.co.uk
- Selling an MOT failure: www.sparesorrepair.co.uk
- Shipping to Australia: www.customs.gov.au
- Taxis: www.patonstaxis.co.uk
- Vans:
- www.vansales.com
- www.wheelsvancentres.co.uk
- www.vanleasing.com
- www.vansdirect.co.uk
- Wheelchair adapted vehicles:www.thorntreesgarage.co.uk