Best job titles for cheapest car insurance revealed

The best job titles for cheap car insurance have been revealed by UK-based comparison website

The list is topped by headmasters, followed by meteorologists, bursars at state schools, police superintendents and registrars of births and deaths. 

According to, many of the top 10 job titles demand a high level of responsibility, making them lower-risk cases in general. For instance, bursars, superintendents and registrars are in positions of power that are rarely seen to make mistakes.

The remaining job titles on the list are navigators, chiropodists, scale model makers, press officers, and retired individuals.

Niche job titles like scale model makers, who likely complete their occupation in a single location, have fewer travel opportunities and less chance of claiming on car insurance. Insurers may view certain job titles as higher risk and charge higher prices, or refuse to insure drivers with these jobs altogether. This is to avoid insuring too many customers in a small area with similar risk profiles. advises that drivers with high-risk jobs may be able to reduce their insurance costs by:

  • Using a different title for their job that still accurately reflects what they do
  • Letting their insurer know if they use their car for work
  • Restricting their annual mileage if they’re able to
  • Increasing the excess they pay to reduce their costs
  • Shopping around to find a better deal elsewhere

Drivers with two or more jobs should declare all their jobs and inform their insurer if one is their main job or if similar time is spent on all. It is essential to tell your insurer if you change your occupation during your car insurance policy.

Unemployed people are generally regarded as a higher risk, while retired individuals may see a reduction in their insurance costs if they previously held a high-risk job.

It is vital to be honest about your profession when taking out a policy, as not being truthful about your occupation to get cheaper car insurance could invalidate your insurance.

It is also worth exploring various ways to reduce your insurance costs, such as restricting your annual mileage or shopping around for a better deal. You can also look for a car that's cheap to insure.

The top 10 job titles for cheaper car insurance 


Job Title






Bursars at state schools


Police Superintendents


Registrars of births and deaths






Scale Model Makers


Press Officers



Ask HJ

Are insurance premiums going up?

Are insurance premiums increasing in 2023?
The price of pretty much everything is going up so far in 2023 as inflation remains high, so your insurance premium renewal is almost certainly going to be higher than in 2022. However, insurers typically send you a renewal quote that is higher than the previous year, because they rely on many drivers not going to the trouble of getting new quotes from other insurers. We would always recommend shopping around every time your insurance is due - in fact 23 days before your policy needs to start is the ideal time for the best prices. Use price comparison sites to get lots of quotes with minimal effort.
Answered by David Ross
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