Question of the week: Is a chamois or microfibre towel better for drying cars?

Dear Honest John,
"Which is best to dry cars? Chamois, or microfibre towel?"
- MS
Dear MS,
When it comes to car cleaning there is no shortage of opinions, but for many avid valeters it often comes down to personal preference.
For many years the chamois was king, but being made most frequently from leather (traditionally from the skin of a mountain goat or antelope, believe it or not) it meant that you got what you paid for.
Its low-abrasive properties and water absorbency made them ideal for the job, although being a natural material meant they need to be looked after and ideally washed by hand after every use.
Microfibre towels changed all that. Using very fine synthetic thread meant the towel could be made more dense, giving it even greater water absorbency, and the softness of the material reduces the chances of scratching the paintwork.
Chamois still have their place, as they are durable if looked after and a good one will dry a whole car easily, but for many the price and availability of microfibre towels make them the more popular choice. Add in the fact that you can just bung them in the washing machine afterwards and it's hard to argue against them as the obvious choice.