Calls to expand 20mph zones after reduction in casualties

Campaigners are calling on the government to commit to default urban 20mph speed limits on the back of new data that shows a reduction in collisions on Welsh roads since its introduction.

The number of collisions on roads in built-up and residential areas in Wales has fallen by 26% in the last year, since the introduction of the 20mph default speed limit.

The data shows that around 100 fewer people have been killed or seriously injured on 20mph and 30mph roads.

What’s more, the number of casualties from July to September 2024 were the lowest Q3 figures since records began in 1979.  

"Traffic collisions resulting in death or serious injury reduce on roads that have a speed limit of 20mph," says Brake campaigns manager Luke Straker.

"The evidence is clear – in places where speed limits have been lowered, we see fewer collisions, and fewer deaths and serious injuries. Wales has proven this once again."

Speeding penalties and fines: Your complete guide

Brake is calling on the UK government to follow the Welsh government’s lead and commit to adopting 20mph default speed limits in urban areas in their upcoming Road Safety Strategy.

Will Hayward is a journalist who focuses on Wales. "Over the year since it came in, the number of casualties on roads affected by the law is 28% lower than the year before. This is good policy-making," he says.

It is also saving people money on their car insurance, although "this doesn’t mean your premium won’t have gone up as other things can impact it."

He added that it is still too early to categorically say that the fall is down to default 20mph speed limits and that more research and data is needed.

The Welsh government’s chief statistician said last year that at least three year’s worth of collision data would be required for a meaningful comparison to be made. The Welsh government has commissioned a five-year review of the policy, which reports back in 2029.

Ask HJ

Does cruise control work at 20mph?

Just an interesting observation on the 20mph speed limit. I normally set cruise control where possible at 30mph or where there are similar restrictions. However have you tried setting automatic speed control for 20mph on cars. I have found on a lot of cars it does not work at 20mph.
Many cars do not allow cruise control to be activated below 25mph or 30mph, as in most instances it is unlikely you would need to drive at a low fixed speed such as this for an extended period of time, unlike a motorway where you could expect to maintain a fixed speed for some time and distance. Alternatively if you car is fitted with a speed limiter or warning function you could set this to chime in at 21mph, giving you a safety net to avoid exceeding the speed limit.
Answered by David Ross
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