Concern about condition of UK roads reaches record levels

The dire state of the UK’s local roads is now the top concern of British motorists with nearly 6 in 10 slamming their condition.

For the first time ever, more than half of drivers surveyed by the RAC say that the condition and maintenance of roads is a top motoring worry. This has risen a full seven percentage points in just a year.

Nearly 3 in 4 drivers believe their local roads were in a worse state than 12 months ago. 

Even more damming, frustration with the condition of local roads is now a clear 21 percentage points ahead of motorists’ second biggest worry, the cost of insuring a vehicle.

This is despite recent dramatic increases in the cost of car insurance.

The collapsing condition of local roads, which make up 98% of all roads in the UK, is proving increasingly costly too. 1 in 4 drivers said their car has suffered damage as a result of potholes, rising to nearly 1 in 3 in rural areas.

Indeed, the condition of substandard rural roads is even more acute. While 53% of motorists in towns and cities said the condition of nearby roads had worsened, the figure for those in rural areas rose to a whopping 81%.

The RAC says the new figures are a damning condemnation of the commitments made by previous governments to fix Britain’s perpetual pothole plague.

"It’s as clear as day that councils simply haven’t had the financial support they need to bring the standard of the roads in their care up to a reasonable standard," says RAC's head of policy Simon Williams.

The RAC says it has written to the new Secretary of State for Transport and Minister for the Future of Roads to outline the gravity of the issue and calling for urgent clarification of the funding councils will receive for road maintenance.

Any funding probably wouldn’t come before October’s Budget – but the RAC also added that the state of local roads is not just about lack of money.

Other issues leading to the declining condition of local roads include how road fund maintenance is allocated to local councils, and the fact nobody at government has an accurate picture of the true state of roads under local council control.

Ask HJ

How do I claim for pothole damage?

I have been informed I may be able to claim for pothole damage to my tyres and alloy wheel caused by public roads. First incident was a damaged tyre which needed replacing. Second incident was damaged tyre and the alloy has a buckled side - both will need replacing. I have RAC reports stating pothole damage (one states it is pothole damage to tyre, and the most recent second incident, the RAC mechanic wrote he suspected it was pothole damage to tyre and alloy). After both incidents, I took photos of the potholes, which are large and fairly deep, and I have retained both tyres too. 1. Do I have basis to claim - if so from who and how? 2. Is there a window of time to submit a claim? 3. What information do I need for a claim? 4. How do I find out who has responsibility for the road the damage occurred on?
The body responsible for road maintenance, and therefore who you need to complain to, depends on the type of road. Motorways and major trunk roads (A-roads) are the responsibility of Highways England - you need to contact them via in order to make a complaint. Local roads, including smaller A-roads and B-roads are the responsibility of the local council - you can use this link to determine the relevant body and this will guide you through the claims process. If the pothole caused the damage to your car, you have the written reports from the RAC and photographic evidence, then you have a right to complain if you choose to do so.
Answered by David Ross
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