Parallel parking most disliked manouevre by British drivers

Parallel parking is the least favorite parking manoeuvre among British drivers according to a recent study by Skoda UK.
More than 4 in 10 people disliked parallel parking making it the least popular parking manouevre. It was followed by reverse-in bay parking (21%) and front-on bay parking (14%).
Meanwhile 73% of those questioned admitted to abandoning a parking space because they found it too challenging, opting to search for another spot instead. Only a mere 4% of motorists claimed they have never encountered parking difficulties.
The research conducted by Skoda UK demonstrates the high value drivers place on parking assistance systems, with 55% of respondents considering them a must-have feature when purchasing their next new car. These features are particularly sought after by individuals in the 25-34 age range.
Among the parking aids available, rear parking sensors were deemed crucial by 68% of those surveyed. A reversing camera ranked as the next priority for new car buyers, followed by front parking sensors in third place.
Skoda provides UK drivers with helpful parking technologies to alleviate the stresses associated with parking in challenging spaces. Rear parking sensors are standard on all Skoda models and buyers have the option of packages that include Park Assist, a semi-automatic parking feature.

The study also revealed that 33% of drivers had damaged a wheel or tyre while attempting to park, often by scratching an alloy wheel against the curb or damaging the sidewall of the tire.
Drivers in the South East of the UK were found to be the most likely to cause such damage, with 40% of respondents from that region admitting to doing so. Surprisingly, London motorists reported the lowest rate of curbing incidents, with only 38% stating they had never damaged their car while parking.
Additionally, the data showed that nearly a quarter (23%) of UK drivers had experienced a collision with another vehicle while attempting to park.
Among the regions, the South East had the highest rate of parking-related collisions, with 34% of individuals admitting to such incidents. Conversely, the North East had the lowest rate, with an impressive 84% stating they had never hit another car while parking.
The data also revealed that men were more likely to experience parking-related collisions, with 24% admitting to such incidents in the past.
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