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175,000 drivers in the UK fined for parking in disabled bays

Published 23 September 2021

More than 170,000 drivers were fined in 2020 for parking in a disabled bay without a Blue Badge, according to new research. 

Disabled parking spaces are reserved for the UK's most vulnerable road users. However, according to research by Uswitch.com, 175,000 fines were issued to drivers who used disabled bays without the required documentation. 

The price comparison website sent a freedom of information request to every council in the UK to find out how many PCNs (penalty charge notices) were issued to motorists who misused disabled parking spaces. 

Milton Keynes was the worst area outside of London with 5962 fines being issued over a 12 month period. Manchester followed closely behind in second place (5799 fines) while Leeds was in third place with 4,573 Blue Badge related PCNs. 

Barking and Dagenham was the worst borough in London for disabled parking space abuse with the council issuing 3714 PCNs. The second biggest offender was Lambeth, where 2963 fines were issued in relation to Blue Badge offences. Barnet was third with 2907 PCNs. 

Disabled Parking

Graham Footer, Chief Executive at Disabled Motoring UK (DMUK), said the figures "were the tip of the iceberg" and most instances of disabled parking space abuse go unreported or unenforced. 

"Disabled parking space abuse is rife across the UK and the problem is getting worse," says Footer.

"Some disabled drivers are forced to give up on a shopping trip and go home when they are unable to find suitable parking. I would urge councils to do more to enforce these parking spaces and punish the drivers who use them without a Blue Badge."

A PCN for a car that's parked in a disabled bay can range from £70 - £100 but Footer believes these fines need to be increased in order to tackle the problem successfully. 

"The only way to tackle this problem is to hurt the offenders in the pocket. The system doesn’t work and something clearly needs to be done about that."

In 2020, research by the British Parking Association found that one in five disabled parking bays at supermarkets were used by drivers without a disability. DMUK claims supermarkets lose £501 million every month due to not being accessible, with 75 per cent of disabled people and their families saying they have been forced to leave at least once because of poor accessibility. 


gazzag    on 24 September 2021

More needs to be done. It’s the same in private car parks too although I know it’s harder to enforce. McDonald’s blue badge spaces in Glasgow are use by just eat drivers. I’ve complained to both companies but it’s still happening.

conman    on 25 September 2021

Easy solution just park behind them and block them in.

   on 27 September 2021

This is a major frustration but for the increasing number of electric vehicle owners, finding a non electric vehicle parking in a charging bay is very frustrating and there does not seem to be the same protection for these spaces as for disabled bays.

Alan. Pearson    on 2 October 2021

I suffer periodic episodes of gout which manifests in my feet particularly my left one. If I have to do a shop and am suffering I will use a disabled bay to minimise walking. Without a blue badge I will appeal any fine. It's ridiculous the vast number of "disabled" spaces nowadays and I've seen "disabled" drivers tootling around supermarkets with no probs. Don't tell me they're all sufferers of agoraphobia or panic attacks just waiting to happen.

alan1302    on 2 October 2021

I suffer periodic episodes of gout which manifests in my feet particularly my left one. If I have to do a shop and am suffering I will use a disabled bay to minimise walking. Without a blue badge I will appeal any fine. It's ridiculous the vast number of "disabled" spaces nowadays and I've seen "disabled" drivers tootling around supermarkets with no probs. Don't tell me they're all sufferers of agoraphobia or panic attacks just waiting to happen.

Why not apply for a blue badge so you can park legally?

You use the disabled spaced but complain there are a lot of them?

Miniman777    on 9 October 2021

I suffer periodic episodes of gout which manifests in my feet particularly my left one. If I have to do a shop and am suffering I will use a disabled bay to minimise walking. Without a blue badge I will appeal any fine. It's ridiculous the vast number of "disabled" spaces nowadays and I've seen "disabled" drivers tootling around supermarkets with no probs. Don't tell me they're all sufferers of agoraphobia or panic attacks just waiting to happen.

Hope you are not assuming….your comment is unpleasant and suggests those with no visible disability are ‘faking it’. Many disabilities are invisible. People with one lung, osteoporosis, and what about those who have cancers? My wife has a cancer, and a blue badge but you cannot tell from a glance she is ill. Never assume.

   on 25 November 2021

I am recently disabled having a hart attack, though after a year of bad movements I have improved & to look at myself you would think I was in good Heath so don’t judge people.

I am also disgusted at the amount of no disabled people using the bays because they think they are & their massive cars need priority. Also happens with mother & child drop offs , now they have discovered the electric bays .
Selfish selfish they disgust Me.

Janet Wedge    on 25 June 2023

These people parking without a blue badge are disgusting!
Furthermore, you get those that tell you they have left their badge at home or something daft like that!

How about the one that has the cheek to tell you he has got a blue badge but he chooses not to display it because he doesn’t have to and doesn’t want to.

On the other hand we have that excuse that although signage telling them you must have a badge and place it on your dashboard, they say there is nothing on the signage to tell you you will be fined if you don’t!I

I watched a man the other day take up a space when there was an event on for Motor Neurone disease, Shame on him I say! He sat with his leg out of the car watching without a care in the world! I actually did say something to one of the Rangers, but it was to no avail!

s wolf    on 16 December 2023

What utter nonsense!! I do not have a Blue Badge and do not want one nor do I wish to inform the world I have a severe disability. I want my privacy to my disability respected. Blue Badges are only valid on the public highway and council land,they have no standing whatsoever on private land (e.g supermarkets). The Equality Act 2010 protects me from such nonsense. I do not, repeat, do not have to have a Blue Badge to park in a supermarket. Making ludicrous claims and/or terms and conditions by Parking Companies can be viewed as discrimination, and also the supermarket can be held accountable for being a party to that nonsense. You do not have to have a visible disabilty, e.g loss of limbs etc, to show you are disabled. Many disabilities are HIDDEN. It is this bigotry, stupidity, lack of knowledge of disabilties and ignorance of the law that allow these whingeing bleatings to flow unchecked.

Edited by s wolf on 16/12/2023 at 15:26

Bill Hutchinson    on 9 June 2024

The UK parking abuse is atrocious and the offenders do not care for the handicapped. In the North East, Sunderland and Tyneside Councils are being obtuse about how the disabled are being taken advantage of. I agree the offenders should be prosecuted and finned for not caring. I notice that most offenders are in their 20s and are too lazy to walk an extra few yards, whereas we have trouble walking an extra few feet. To give you a concept on the matter, I lived in the USA for 30yrs and they do not take kindly to motorists, who abuse the disabled parking spaces. There are signs in all parking bays stating, Disabled Parking Only any Offenders will be fined $500 and Their Car Will Be Towed at the cost of the owner's expense.

   on 2 October 2024

Unfortunately if one challenges a culprit parking without a badge, is likely to be abused and possibly assaulted. A sign of the times we live in. It’s the fault weak governments past and present. Shame on the lot.

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