Speeding fines have surged in some UK regions, with one area seeing a 385% increase in offences
The AA says it is time to accept so-called ‘smart’ motorways have failed and bring back the hard shoulder.
The cost of pothole damage had fallen for two years in a row – but is back on the increase with motorists facing higher repair bills than ever
Motorists may risk losing their driving licence without knowing it if they don’t renew their driving licence in the right way
Government funding for the National Parking Platform is to be withdrawn at the end of March, leaving its future hanging in the balance
More than 3 in 4 UK drivers do not correctly understand Highway Code rules of the road when it comes to cyclists
Nearly half of UK police forces have caught motorists driving at more than three times the speed limit, shocking new figures reveal.
New stats reveal a noteworthy fall in deaths and serious injuries on Welsh roads in the first year of introducing the 20mph limit
The Transport Select Committee is seeking answers from the government on what it plans to do to bring down waiting times for driving tests
The long-discussed expansion of Heathrow is likely to mean significant changes for the M25, but perhaps not quite as much disruption as you might expect...
Fewer than 4 in 10 drivers know about the legal minimum tyre tread depth, leaving 6 in 10 at risk of running dangerous rubber
There has been a staggering 175% increase in car insurance claims caused by pothole damage, according to new data from Admiral