Top 10: Survivors from the 2000s
Cars built in the noughties are a treasure-trove for bargain hunters, with thousands of hatchbacks and saloons available for less than the price of a typical family holiday. But what should you buy?
That's where comes in: we’ve analysed DVLA numbers to find the 10 toughest cars from the 2000s. That means we’ve examined numbers of cars on the road to see which models have survived and which haven't. This list celebrates the cars that have endured the elements (and some poor drivers) to motor on into 2015.

Ford Focus
972,252 still registered on UK roads - 950,350 licenced, 21,902 SORN
The Ford Focus replaced the Escort in the late 1990s and immediately set the standard by which all other hatchbacks were judged. Stylish, comfortable and practical, the Focus ticks all of the family car boxes. It was well-built too and is now popular with used buyers thanks to its low running costs and excellent reliability.
According to DVLA numbers, the Ford Focus is the UK's hardiest vehicle, with close to one million cars from the 2000s still in use today. What's more, the Mk1 Focus still looks good and parts are plentiful (and cheap), which means it won’t cost you a fortune to keep it on the road.
Ubermik on 25 August 2016
Without looking at the percentage of cars registered its not really a fair comparison
Things like the focus and fiesta might still have more on the road but they would have MASSIVELY outsold cars like the honda civic which is one of the most reliable cars on the road according to both the AA and RAC.
So I suspect that had this been based on the PERCENTAGE of each model still in use then things might have looked very different
cfc2000 on 25 August 2016
Anybody who's worked on cars knows that Ubernik above is right. Fords - rust buckets, but spares are cheapand plentiful. Vauxhalls, not so rusty but plenty of problems, but plenty of cheap spares too. PSA - electrics. Fiat - don't get me started. Alfa Romeo, ditto. If you want reliability you more or less have to go Japanese, doesn't matter where it's really made. Honda, Toyota, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan (but not models that are badge engineered Fords or Citroens). Skoda the best of the VAG group, some of which (Audi) are very over-rated at the price they sell for. BMW also over-rated, ditto newer Mercs. Land Rovers are very long lasting, but are always problematic. I have a relative who has a business selling land Rover spares and it's the gift that goes on giving. Most unreliable vehicles I have ever owned personally.
rx8moneypit on 25 August 2016
Mk4 golf tdi, built like a tank, easily do 1/4 million miles, it's where the smart put their money
100andthirty on 26 August 2016
You can't have hundreds of thousands of cars remaining at 6 to 15 years old if a large number weren't sold in the first place. As such, isn't it reasonable that this top 10 will have at least a passing resemblance to the average top 10 of the 2000s?
on 10 February 2018
What a load of rubbish. Of course there is going to be a lot of Ford Focuses on the road. They were sold by the bucket load.Where is the SAAB'S,Volvo's etc ? - low volume but likely to be a lower PERCENTAGE of scrapping compared with a focus
Numbers left on the road don't show anything
aethelwulf on 13 January 2021
I have a 2005 Mondeo Estate 2L petrol with 76,000 miles. It is not arust bucket (and many Mercedes were) but it is reliable and easy to service cheaply . Still comfortable and fast enough. Big VED of £305 now but cheap compared to buying an overpriced modern car that has lots of gizmos to go wrong. 34 mpg overall so far ( my figures not the computer)Add a comment