How Do You Feel About Elon Musk?
How Do You Feel About Elon Musk?
A survey to understand the UK public's true feelings towards Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Switch accounts
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How do you feel about Elon Musk as a public figure?
How do you feel about Tesla as a brand?
How much does your opinion of Elon Musk influence your perception of Tesla as a brand?
If the price was affordable to you, how likely are you to consider purchasing a Tesla vehicle in the future?
If Elon Musk was no longer associated with Tesla, how likely are you to consider purchasing a Tesla vehicle in the future?
Please tell us anything else you’d like to share about buying a car, Tesla, or your views on Elon Musk
What’s a word you associate with Tesla?
What’s a word you associate with Elon Musk?
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