I'd use it, but then I'm in Taiwan, where it never gets close to freezing. (Postage would be too expensive, I suppose)
Shouldn't be a disaster in the UK, but your initial lubrication on cold startup probably wont be quite so good as with a multigrade. Maybe use it as a "summer-only" oil?
OTOH hand your shear stability will be better, but since the stuff is free, you can change it as often as you like, so that isn't much of an advantage.
Might be worth finding out how much ZDDP anti-wear additive the oil has, if you can. I dunno if big marine diesels have flat tappets (I'd guess not) but if your VW has, you might need the zinc protection.
If it is actually free in unlimited quantities, you might perhaps consider using it as fuel?
Edited by edlithgow on 02/03/2013 at 10:10