I find phone and card payment methods very convenient. Not having to think about having the correct money to hand allows a little more flex.
I first came across phone payment in York and wish it were more widespread, apart from the initial setting up, it is probably less hassle than paying cash (don't have to queue in the rain!). Cards too, obviate the need for cash and are useful abroad. Despite my wanderings, I am still not as familiar with euro shrapnel and find it awkward.
Pay stations shielded from the weather are good ideas, though turning them into green houses can be as off putting as getting wet.
Shouldn't be difficult should it?
Given that I am not a geek and have never owned, and will never own an i phone, the fact that I can make it work means that it is most certainly fathomable. (I'm not a total dinosaur, my phone does have a colour screen)