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Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - jamie745


Edited by Avant on 19/02/2013 at 21:24

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - tony g

It can't feel good dragging that around ,and it certainly doesn't look good ?

Edited by Avant on 19/02/2013 at 21:24

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - Dutchie

Are these people who are shown on the television give permission showing their fat bellies and backsides? Somebody must regonise them even without showing their face.

Anyway look at Kate Middleton any skinnier and she be anorexic.

Edited by Avant on 19/02/2013 at 21:24

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - unthrottled

I think the BMA is getting ideas above its station. It's the NHS's job to offer healthcare, not dictate lifestyle choices. Yes it's frustrating to have patients disregard advice, but that's common in most industries. Live with it.

Edited by Avant on 19/02/2013 at 21:25

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - jamie745

The last time I looked, doctors were one of the most likely groups of people to die from alcohol poisoning. Why not slap a supertax on their red wine?

The BMA are trying to cover up the fact NHS spending has increased 2.5 times in real terms compared to 15 years ago yet it's not 2.5 times better. So they want yet more money.

Edited by Avant on 19/02/2013 at 21:25

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - madf

SInce the population is growing more obese : and obese patients are much unhealtheir... doctors have a logical stance.

When money is limited, you cannot finance an unlimited demand for medical services caused by an ageing and fatter population.

SImple arithmetic.

As for the NHS efficiency...well that's an oxymoron.

(Bit unkind: they are good at killing patients)

Edited by madf on 20/02/2013 at 14:05

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - Bromptonaut

I'd agree with madf that something needs to be done. Just not clear how this proposal even begins to cut the mustard.

Over intake of calories is only half the problem. The other bit is sedentary lifestyles. We need to get people to take some form of exercise. It needn't be in the gym, walking would be good enough or using the staris at work instead of the lift.

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - unthrottled

I'd agree with madf that something needs to be done. Just not clear how this proposal even begins to cut the mustard.

Why does 'something have to be done'? You're making the common mistake of looking at gross costs, not net costs. Healthy people live longer. Unfortunately virtually all those extra years are pensionable years.

-Healthy people are a greater pension burden but do not wish to have longer working lives than unhealthy people

-Healthy people simply take longer to get ill. They have a similar chance of dying of cancer as their unhalthy counterparts

-Healthy people have a much greater chance of contracting chronic geriatric illnsses which are expensive to treat.

Healthy people are the reason that the pension system in this country has collapsed. . Longevity is is great for the individual but dreadful for society as a whole. This is the harsh economic reality that people do not want to face.

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - Bromptonaut

I'd agree with madf that something needs to be done. Just not clear how this proposal even begins to cut the mustard.

Why does 'something have to be done'? You're making the common mistake of looking at gross costs, not net costs. Healthy people live longer. Unfortunately virtually all those extra years are pensionable years.

Healthy people are the reason that the pension system in this country has collapsed. . Longevity is is great for the individual but dreadful for society as a whole. This is the harsh economic reality that people do not want to face.

I don't believe for a minute that obesity can be seen as cost neutral.

Apart from issues from heart disease to diabetes and podiatry the obese put an increasing strain on even routine care situations.


Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - jamie745

I don't believe for a minute that obesity can be seen as cost neutral.

Maybe not but quoting The Guardian hardly lends your view credibility. What we do know is keeping people alive much longer than we can afford to is a massive problem. On Monday we get told everybody is obese, unhealthy and - in typical hysterical fashion - something must be done! Yet on Tuesday we get told we're living too long, the ageing population is our biggest challenge and we can't afford the pensions.

Which is it?

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - Bromptonaut
Which is it?


Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - jamie745

Well that's not possible. Either we're all going to die early with a Snickers stuck in our throat or we're going to live too long and be a drain on resources. You can't have it both ways.

Taxing alcohol and cigarettes hasn't stopped us drinking or smoking so why do you - or the doctors - think a 'fizzy drink tax' would do anything?

I don't agree with the hysterical mindset that something must be done and even if I did, I wouldn't believe Government could achieve it with yet more nanny state, central planning gerrymandering from their glass house.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; Government go away! We can decide what we want to eat/drink by ourselves thank you very much.

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - Bromptonaut

Both is entirely possible.

Obesity does not necessarily result in early death even though it comes with its own lot of morbid risks - blood pressure, diabetes etc.

It greatly increases the costs of treating common complaints requiring routine surgery or of recuperation after accidents - for example broken hips.

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - jamie745

All of which pales into insignificance compared to the 1 million people who will have dementia in the UK by 2025.

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - Dutchie

The problem is we don't what we are eating when it comes to processed foods.

Best stay away from this rubbish if at all possible can't be good for peoples health exspecially children.

A doctor can only give advice if the patient is willing to listen.For some people it's a livestyle change and you either take it or leave it.Dementia and cancer nobody has the answers.What causes it and what to do to prevent it.

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - jamie745

Whether processed food is good or bad for you depends on what ingrediants are being processed.

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - Leif

I think the BMA is getting ideas above its station. It's the NHS's job to offer healthcare, not dictate lifestyle choices. Yes it's frustrating to have patients disregard advice, but that's common in most industries. Live with it.

The fire brigade used to rush off and fight fires. Now they spend a lot of time visiting homes and commercial buildings, and advising on safety e.g. fire alarms, fire escapes, removing dangerous materials etc. Prevention is better and cheaper than the alternative. I don't see why medics cannot adopt the same approach. Ideally of course we want people to live and pay taxes till they retire, then drop down dead, with no nasty expensive long term illness.

Why don't you doctors just mind your own business? - Leif
Anyway look at Kate Middleton any skinnier and she be anorexic.

She looks ill, and I have wondered if she is anorexic. A very ugly woman, all bone, I am sure a stone or two extra would not go amiss.