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RBS Libor fine - Oli rag

Now that rbs have been fined £390 million for their part of the libor fixing scam, will we, as majority shareholders be paying the fine? Where does it go to? Do we get it back in the other hand?

All reasonable comments in support of our bankers welcome:).

RBS Libor fine - Bilboman

... and the connection to Motoring Discussion is...?

RBS Libor fine - jamie745

Not really a motoring subject but I'm sure we can make it work!

The £390m breaks down like this; £87m to the FSA, £207m to the United States Trading Commission and £95m to the United States Department of Justice. So us lot in merry England are interested in the £87m, not £390m. The rest of the money goes to America.

That £87m will go to the Treasury aside from the few quid payable to the FSA to cover their enforcement expenses.

RBS Libor fine - Avant

Moved to General.