If you have been hit from behind it should be quite stright forward ! but you need to stick to your guns, I was struck from behind on a motorway by a car travelling at 90 when i was staionary ! The insurance company and others spent months trying to acuse me of having caused the accident but in the end had to bow ! It was a nightmare and dont talk to anyone on the phone who claims they are from an insurance company trying to vairyfy the facts ! they really try to twist your story.
Crash data can be retrived from your car but whether Skoda can do it or it will require the data to be retirived by a specialist. I suspect it will need a specialist.
My experince of no witnesses was a 50/50 claim when i was hit head on whilst i was staionary by a car out of control but no witeness !
I have been using roadhawk camera's for 4 years and brilliant. all our cars are fitted with them and worth there weight in gold. Had an incident with a drunk, caught on camera ! all sorted in one evening and the guy got done. Brillinat bit of kit.
I know there are a lot of people that think its overkill but I can asure you fantastic.
I wish you well and hope your all OK as its not a nice experince.