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Vw golf - Immobiliser nightmare - stitchener
HELP!!! Immobiliser nightmare
I've had my s reg mk4 a week now. Yesterday I drove to my mums a mile down the road did what I needed to do and when I went to start the car again the immobiliser kicked in. My step dad plugged the diagnostic machine in and erased it but it did nothing. My breakdown cover came out and said he couldn't do it and it needs resetting. Is there anything I can do it can anyone recommend someone somewhere in Leicester to help??
Vw golf - Immobiliser nightmare - Collos25

Did you buy it from a dealer if so its their problem if not then you could be in for some expensive work auto electricians do not come cheap.

Vw golf - Immobiliser nightmare - elekie&a/c doctor

Why do you think it is an immobilser fault?Does the key light flash when ignition turned on?The immobiliser system on these rarely give trouble.hth

Vw golf - Immobiliser nightmare - Crasher

I agree, Golf 4 immobiliser faults are rare and when we do see them it is usually the reader coil at fault. A new reader coil can only be purchased from VW with a new barrel but if you know what you are doing you can extract the new one and fit it to the old barrel.