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DRPL - Debt Recovery Plus Limited - GeorgeGiraffe

I am currently making a complaint against DRPL and just wanted to get peoples thoughts on the issue.

I was first contacted by DRPL about an unpaid parking ticket. The ticket was issued at a train station I have never been to around 200 miles from where I live and where I was on the day in question. I assured them in could not be me and asked if there could have been a mistake when recording the number plate. The recorded colour of the car matched mine and I was told that it was either my car or that someone had cloned my car number plate. Thinking someone had cloned my car I rang the police to make them aware of the issue. I rang DRPL again and requested any evidence they had against me. They said they would request this and get back in contact.

In the mean time I received a call from the police who said they had been to the place where the ticket was issued and noted a car of the same make and model. the only difference in the number plate was that the last digit was 'K' whereas mine is 'X'. The car they noted was black (mine is blue).

DRPL rang me again asking why I had not sent evidence proving my whereabouts to show it was not my car that had been ticketed. I explained that I would not send anything until I received the evidence they had. I was told 'That isn't the way it works' and it was up to me to prove my innocence not the other way round. I explained how a similar car was noted in the area and said I would not waste time proving my innocence until I received the evidence. I was told that the details were recorded correctly and the similar car was just a coincidence. Eventually DRPL agreed to request the evidence and send this on.

Today I received the email with the photo of the car. Low and behold it's the black car with the slightly different number plate.

Not only have the company wasted my time but also the police’s. They failed to check the details before contacting me and didn't even bother checking before sending me the photo they received.

I also think the company have abused their powers in getting my address using my number plate and wondered if there is anything I can do about this.

DRPL - Debt Recovery Plus Limited - Bromptonaut

DRPL presumably act on behalf of a Train Operating Company (TOC) at station x. The TOC run the station including the car park. If cars are left there without paying as required it's really not unreasonable for DVLA to conclude that there'scause for them to release the keeper's details. Unfortunately in this case either a human or a camera misread the plate. They've made a mistake about the reg number, darker shades of blue and black are easily confused.

Push/shove DRPL would have to show a court that you'd breached a contract. It's not for you to prove your innocence and until the recent legislative change on 01 October your best course would be to ignore.

The police involvement was at your instigation not theirs.

I think you just have to chalk it to experience but if you're feeling bad you could try claiming £50 for your time and threatening a summons if it's not paid. Not much hope of success but maybe you'll feel bettter!!

Edited by Bromptonaut on 30/10/2012 at 20:12

DRPL - Debt Recovery Plus Limited - Falkirk Bairn

The parking company has accessed your information @DVLA without rightful cause.

I would write to the DVLA asking what they plan to do about a breach in their duty to keep your data secure and only available to people with rightful cause.

I would send a letter to the Parking Company that you looking into taking matters further in that they were negligent and accessed your data without rightful cause.

They compounded this as they withheld information (the photo) and harrassed you over a period of time having refused to accept your statment and then not checking "their evidence.

The harassment, repeated letters, phone calls, threats of debt collection etc is a criminal offence, this caused you, and your family, worry and distress. Therefore you are looking into taking advice re an action against them for damages.

DRPL - Debt Recovery Plus Limited - tony g
You mention in your post that you intend to pursue a complaint against the debt collection company .
Have you considered complaining to the OFT ? By law all debt collection companies have to be licensed by the Office of Fair Trading .It may be that if this company has a lot of complaints against it ,the OFT can withdraw a companies license to operate .
DRPL - Debt Recovery Plus Limited - Falkirk Bairn

Forgot / did not notice - DVLA + 2 companies to chase - The Car Park owner and the Debt Recovery Company.

Carpark owner, or their agent, makes the mistake about the car reg, then gives duff info to the debt collection agency who harass you...........

DRPL - Debt Recovery Plus Limited - Bromptonaut

So far as I can see DVLA acted correctly. They were given good cause as to why they should disclose ownership of AA 59 ZXK. Fact that the parking co misread the last letter is probably not relevant.

There's plenty of guidance from the Information Commisioner as to how DVLA should handle disclosure. There's a reason for holding a register of vehicle keepership including liability for damage, trespass etc. They're not in same category as medical or financial records.

DRPL - Debt Recovery Plus Limited - GeorgeGiraffe

Thank you all for your input.

As a first port of call I have made a formal complaint to the company in question. I will also be emailing their regulatory bodies as well as the OFT. I am also going to contact the DVLA. I believe they gae my details in good faith but I think it would be good for them to know that the company requesting them is not taking due care in doing so.

DRPL - Debt Recovery Plus Limited - Bromptonaut

Thank you all for your input.

As a first port of call I have made a formal complaint to the company in question. I will also be emailing their regulatory bodies as well as the OFT. I am also going to contact the DVLA. I believe they gae my details in good faith but I think it would be good for them to know that the company requesting them is not taking due care in doing so.

I think that's the right approach.

DRPL - Debt Recovery Plus Limited - concrete

Thank you all for your input.

As a first port of call I have made a formal complaint to the company in question. I will also be emailing their regulatory bodies as well as the OFT. I am also going to contact the DVLA. I believe they gae my details in good faith but I think it would be good for them to know that the company requesting them is not taking due care in doing so.

did you see the case this week when someone sent an invoice to a cold calling company for taking his time. They refused to pay. He took them to the small claims court and won? This case is in that area. I hope you get somewhere and teach these bullying lowlifes a lesson. Please keep us informed and best of luck. Concrete
DRPL - Debt Recovery Plus Limited - skidpan
Lifes too short to start getting upset about some dislexic system operator in a shed on an industrial estate.

Just send them a dog turd in the post (sealed in several plastic bads of course), that should make their day.
DRPL - Debt Recovery Plus Limited - Rats
Lifes too short to start getting upset about some dislexic system operator in a shed on an industrial estate. Just send them a dog turd in the post (sealed in several plastic bads of course), that should make their day.

Skidpan, maybe you have a business opportunity going there, sure you could charge dog owners for clearing the waste and then charge disgruntled members of public for sending said waste on their behalf, a good money making scheme and some recycling thrown in to.........

Wonder how much the Dragons Den would invest??

DRPL - Debt Recovery Plus Limited - GeorgeGiraffe


Recieved a letter of apology from DRPL today with a cheque for £50.

Thanks for the advice folks.

DRPL - Debt Recovery Plus Limited - FP

Well done!