Ford Fiesta - Running in? - Canon Fodder

Just got my very nice, new, Fiesta Zetec S TDCI - no mention of running in in the manual...

Is that a thing of the past? I just drive it normally from the get go?

Ford Fiesta - Running in? - unthrottled

Most handbooks advise against taking the engine to maximum governed speed for the first 1500 miles or so.

I would add to that slightly: I would try to avoid excessive idling for the first few hundred miles Try to vary engine speeds, and a use good dollop of throttle in the mid range where opportunity permits! No religious shenanigans or anything like that.

It goes without saying that you don't thrash cold engines, but no one does that, do they?

Ford Fiesta - Running in? - bathtub tom

An (American?) site recommends thrashing the life out of it in the the first 20-50 miles to bed the rings in. Otherwise it could become an oil drinker.

Ford Fiesta - Running in? - Avant

If you look on this site under Ask HJ, FAQ's 15 and 16 give good advice on running in, respectively, diesel and petrol engines.

Ford Fiesta - Running in? - Canon Fodder

Thanks all.

For cars, as for humans, it seems variety is the spice of life.

Ford Fiesta - Running in? - thunderbird

"Drive it like you stole it" that's what the Ford saleman told us when we bought a new Focus 1.6 diesel. We just drove it normally from day one, never used any oil, never had a problem in the 5 years we owned it. Compared to the 6 month old trash we tried when we decided to swap it it felt like new.