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I have returned! - jamie745

Afternoon all. Did you miss me?

I have returned! - Bromptonaut

No ;-P

I have returned! - jamie745

Well that's hardly friendly.

I have returned! - Avant

I'm reminded of the Joyce Grenfell nursery school sketch:

"We're having a visitor today. Isn' t that nice!............Yes it is, Sidney."

Welcome back, Jamie. I don't know where you've been, but then East Anglians detach themselves from the rest of the country from time to time. :)

I have returned! - Ben 10

Where've you bin? Not inside I hope!

I have returned! - Bromptonaut

Well that's hardly friendly.

The sticky out tongue indicated an element of irony.

I have returned! - jamie745

I started a new job last month and have been very busy as this new job involves doing some actual....work! Shocking. Oh and of course I've been enjoying wide varieties of women due to my insane sexyness.

I have returned! - Bobbin Threadbare

Let us look forward to sweeping generalisations, ranting, over-long posts and cheekiness. :-P

I have returned! - jamie745

You know it baby!

I have returned! - Ben 10

Giving your identity away? You don't resemble Austin Powers with that reply.

I have returned! - StayStrong

I don't know you but welcome back, Jamie :)

I have returned! - jamie745

Oh you;ll know me soon enough.

I have returned! - Dutchie

I know you Jamie bright lad with a good future.>:) A bit headstrong calls a spade a spade doesn't believe in politcal correcness.I used to be the same calmed down over the years like you do.I like to ask you if you don't mind.Your mother is on disability so is my wife who is 63.My wife has nerve damage to her legs and needs a wheelchair.Does she still have to see these Atos people to be reassest or not?She can't work anymore she is on a pension.Just wondered if you know anymore than me.

I have returned! - Big John

Have you considered Disability Living Allowance( could be useful for Motobility) and or Attendance Allowance- worth filling the forms in.

I've had major disability problems with my father and have helped my parents through Attendance Allowance forms etc. For a while my father received this which helped with his care at home but recently as he has got worse (he has a bad degenerative disease) he is now in a residntial/nursing home. He no longer receives the allowance and the council takes most of his income.

Fortunately his drinking arm still works so I manage to push his wheel chair down to the pub most weeks!

I have returned! - Dutchie

Double post please cancel one Avant.

(Done - no problem.)

Edited by Avant on 23/10/2012 at 00:59

I have returned! - jamie745

My mother is not of pensionable age so I'm not an expert in regards to that but it depends on what your wife is claiming. Pensions are an entitlement based on age, the ages are changing soon but your wife is already drawing hers so there's no change with that. If she's also claiming the Disability Living Allowance - non means tested, based on physical capability only - then she will need to see Atos as they've won the contract to assess people as it changes to the new Personal Independence Payment or whatever nonsense they're calling it.

If she was on Incapacity Benefit then she'd have to see them to transfer to the newer benefit and be assessed to determine which group she goes in, but they're working age benefits so I doubt she was on those anyway.

For what it's worth, the new PIP will be stricter than old DLA as the Government's ultimate aim is to pay out less than they did before so really only those in a wheelchair can guarantee they'll still receive it. Unfortunately your wife is in a wheelchair so most likely has very little to worry about.

I have returned! - Dutchie

Thanks Jamie appreciated for the advice.We wait untill we recieve a letter through the door and go from there.My wife has alrady gone through a lot with the doctors and hospital etc.She started working at the age of sixteen and has not scrounged of the system.To sit in front of somebody and go through the rigmorole again is a bit tiresome.Never mind we wait and see.

I have returned! - jamie745

I understand. I know former soldiers, injured in battle and assessed by Ministry of Defence medical staff who years later have had to be lectured and examined by a 25 year old nobody who looks like they're on their 'gap year' at Atos.

Only in Britain do we throw £130 billion at a National Health Service only to ignore what it's professionals say and throw more money at companies like Atos to reduce the benefits bill - usually by roughly the same amount we pay Atos.

I have returned! - concrete

Afternoon all. Did you miss me?

Of course we missed you! Who are you again!!!!

Welcome back jamie, I too have been away for a while and missed the forum. I can now look forward to some entertainment in future. Cheers Concrete

I have returned! - 1litregolfeater

Not at all, I always thought you were a bit of an a***hole.