Ford Focus Saloon 51 plate 1.6 zetec - Annoying idle problem - yot981j

hi, I have a 1.6 zetec se which has done 52,000 miles. It has recently developed a nagging problem. I'm a big fan of free wheeling and it used to free wheel at 800rpm, it now free wheels at just over 2000rpm, I can pull over and they will slowly fall back to just over 1000rpm, I can go on again, put it in neutral and the revs will be back up to 2000 or just over.

If you turn the engine off and on a few times sometimes this will sometimes correct the problem and in neutral the revs will go back to 800 or if you leave the car ticking over long enough, say 15mins this will also sometimes clear the problem,

I put my diagnostic tool on it, no dtc faults were detected however on the onboard monitor test, number $56 the status was fail, with other readings of ID = 00, MOD = $10, MEAS = C77, MAX = 7D0 and MIN = ---. Any ideas what this might mean ?

I took the idle control valve off and gave it a good clean in petrol, I had a spare throttle position sensor, tried that and it still behaved the same. I tried disconnecting the battery overnight for the computer to remap etc, no good.

When the revs do come right the best I can describe it is as a quick gurgly noise from somewhere in the engine bay.

Has anyone got any ideas what might be causing the revs to stick and I'm pretty sure it is not a sticking throttle cable.




Ford Focus Saloon 51 plate 1.6 zetec - Annoying idle problem - elekie&a/c doctor

The most common fault to give erratic idle problems on these is caused by a split or collapsed engine breather pipe .It is located under the inlet manifold.Obd $56 refers to an oxygen sensor function fault.This could be the result of this failed pipe.hth

Ford Focus Saloon 51 plate 1.6 zetec - Annoying idle problem - yot981j

Hi, thankyou very much for the info.

I'll give it ago and report back but it probably won't be for a few days as the Mrs is going to be giving birth within the next few days.

I don't suppose you know also where I can get a list of what the other obd $ test numbers mean ?



Ford Focus Saloon 51 plate 1.6 zetec - Annoying idle problem - yot981j

Yep - it was the breather hose, I replaced it with a new pice of 10mm rubber hose and the car is running fine now - thanks for your help.

Ford Focus Saloon 51 plate 1.6 zetec - Annoying idle problem - yot981j

Yep - it was the breather hose, I replaced it with a new pice of 10mm rubber hose and the car is running fine now - thanks for your help.