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Any - We Buy Any Car websites - Ozzz

I have placed an advert to sell a car and have had several "We Buy Any Car" type websites contact me. Having read their terms and conditions I see they charge an upfront admin fee of about £50. Is this a scam? Do they just take the money and not show up or are their offers genuine. www.webuy-autos.com have offered £150 less than my asking price. I am very suspicious.

Any - We Buy Any Car websites - Lo

I have also been contacted by www.webuy-autos.com today and they have offered me £200 less than my asking price. They require you to go to a paypoint to pay £50 cash to confirm your pick up... I have a huge feeling that you will never hear from them again. Would love to think it's genuine as would like to get the car gone.

Edited by Avant on 29/08/2012 at 01:47

Any - We Buy Any Car websites - daveyjp

Who pays someone to buy something off them?

Edited by Avant on 29/08/2012 at 01:47