I doubt Fiesta would be fitted with any form of self levelling equipment, but happy to be put right.
If they really have tried different springs without change (did you actually inspect for new springs?), then it points to the shockers instead....and at this point i have to ask, why did your car need new shocks AND springs?...it could be that OE shockers were gas pressured, designed specifically to assist the springs designed that go with them...its possible that standard hydraulic shockers have been installed that give no assistance.
This is only me wondering out loud, it doesn't seem terribly likely in something like a Fiesta but might be worth perusing make/model specific forums for this.
Volvo used to fit such combinations, possibly still do...in self levelling equipped estates the springs were softer than in non self levellers, the additional support for the more compliant springs was via BOGE heavy duty self levelling shockers, once loaded the shockers would after a few bounces pump themselves up to normal ride height...by using this design the unladen self levelling equipped car had a smoother ride than the non self levelling cars, which were fitted with harder springs but standard shockers, resulting in harder unladen ride. Those BOGE shockers were a horrendous price and didn't last as long as they should, some owners tried to cut costs by fitting standard shockers, the car would be fine till loaded then bottom out.