This sounds like an incompetent garage !
did they recover any gas ? if it was empty BY LAW THEY MUST FILL WITH NITREOGEN GAs first and leak test ! did they do this ? do they hold an F gas certificate ?
did they cause the compressor to fail by incorrect fill, if they dont follow guidlines and allow gas to bubble off, a compressor can get flooded on start up after re-gas and kill the compressor !
if it had a leaking pipe they should of known on the nitreogen test ! and when re-gassed they should of checked the running pressures instanly and would of known if the compresor was working. The low side prssure would have dropped on start up from 5-7bar to around 2 bar at idle. They havent got a clue !
once refilled with gas it needs to be run with the gauges on to make sure the pressures are correct and the condensor fan works.
Ask them what the pressures would be approximatley ! they dont need to look it up, 25-35psi low side 180-220ish high side running, if they stutter they havent got a clue.
FB is 100% correct, air con re-charged system cold instantly. doesnt take a few days to get rounds they are talking utter piffle.
Also when they vacumed the system if it didnt pull to -30hg then it had a leak however small, tni leaks will cause it to driop back to -25/28 ish !
me thinks its simple they havent got a clue but are keen to take your dosh ! go get your money back.
Edited by injection doc on 15/08/2012 at 18:03