I was stopped by police for speeding ( which I admit 44 in a 40) they checked my licence which is issued by the Isle of Man. it seems that I had 12 months to transfer this licence once i became a UK resident. ( I accept that although I wasnt aware of this rule otherwise I would have done it). I have been charged with having no licence and no insurance BUT I do have insurance. I acceot that because the licence was invalid so was the insurance BUT my insurer was aware of my manx licence and had a copy of it sent to them 2 years ago, they had/ have no issues with it despite it obviously ( so it would seem) being an invalid. So for 2 years i have been paying insurance!! To add insult to injury I was informed by the officer that before I could drive again I would have to take a UK driving test. This has since proven to be incoreect ( two calls to DVLA for clarification, as the info he had was based on a consultation document rather than law, but thats a seperate issue I will take up with the the Police Authority).....anyway my question is this....if i call the insuracne company and ask them to refund me my premiums what is the likely outcome?> If i had have had an accident they would not have paid out but they have taken my money. Im not blaming the insuracne company for the offence that is/ was my responsibilty, but they have had a copy of my licence for two years and not a peep!