Mercedes-Benz C-Class Estate - fuel - gluv5301

I drive a 1998, Mercedes C class Estate,with a 1.8 petrol engine. Could someone tell me if it is ok to run on the lower ethanol fuel (95octane,E10) that is now available?

Many thanks

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Estate - fuel - unthrottled

E10 is fine. E85 is not (unless it's a dedicated flex fuel vehicle. I'm assuming you're in the US?

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Estate - fuel - RT

E10 is fine. E85 is not (unless it's a dedicated flex fuel vehicle. I'm assuming you're in the US?

It must be within Europe, including the UK - it wouldn't be called 95 octane in the US as they use a different octane measurement system that gives lower numbers, eg their 85 MON equates to our 95 RON for regular petrol/gasoline - the "E" gives the clue that it's within Europe

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Estate - fuel - unthrottled

The US use the Anti-Knock Index (AKI) which is (RON+MON)/2. So EN228 petrol which has a MON of 85 and a RON of 95 would have an AKI of 90. The 'E' refers to ethanol content, rather than Europe, does it not?

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Estate - fuel - RT

According to Exxon the following octanes are used in the USA:-

"Gasolines are rated based on octane. In most areas of the country our regular gasoline is 87 octane, midgrade is 89 and premium is 91 – 93"

So no, they don't seem to use AKI.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Estate - fuel - unthrottled

They do!

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Estate - fuel - thunderbird

I am involved in the classic car world and modern fuels are creating problems for older cars, quite simply they are eating away the fuel hoses that were not designed for the fuels. The last hoses on mine lasted 4 years before they failed and I was lucky not to have an inferno, lucky in that the hoses under the bonnet were OK, it was the hoses near the tank that went. I was unaware of the problem but a quick Google soon educated me.

Fuel hoses for traditional petrol are R6 spec but fuel hoses for the modern brews are R9 spec, its available but not easy to find. Soem retailers sell R10 spec but it is intended for in tank use and will decay from the outside in used in the atmoshere.

All owners of older cars need to be made aware of this and should check the hoses regularly.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Estate - fuel - Collos25

Here in Germany you must not use E10 fuel in any Mercedes except for the very latest models and then its suspect - standard euro 95 is quite ok.