At the risk of thread drift, I saw Hj's response to a corrospondant in the DT motoring section where he advised readers to avoid diesels fitted with "EGR valves, DPF, DMF". So that would be all modern diesels then. Sure, all these components can fail-and in the case of the latter two, they are expensive to put right. But is he aware that all modern petrol engines have EGR valves-and quite a few have DMF fitted as well? Presumably we can add all cars with belt cam engines to the black list too. I don't understamnd this arbiitrary catagorisation of 'good' and 'bad' engineds. As with most technologies where the driver does not see the benefit, there is a tendency to regard them with suspicion. But all these components do a good job.
It would be naive to think that the direct injected turbo petrols will prove to be as robust as the old naturally aspirated port injected ones, in the same way that modern diesels are not as robust as the old ones.