Trouble is, us law abiding tax paying majority, mugs, already jump through all the hoops the apparatchiks can dream up for everything taxable, not sure i want yet more measures designed to extract ever more money from the dwindling number of us nett conrtibutors, oh and another level of surveillance....about the only place you arn't monitored or watched, yet, is in the loo.
Its the unlicensed, non resident, non travelling, non taxpaying, unlawful, illegally here and downright anti social who are the problem here, goodness knows we had enough of our own already we didn't need the numbers topping up.
They simply don't bother with all that registering, insuring or taxing faff, they buy or lift a vehicle and use it till it gets picked up then get another, and in the unlikely event they get found out or Heaven forbid actually prosecuted, the resulting penalty, assuming they arn't one of the untouchable or vanish in the blink of an eye groups, isn't a fraction of what we the mugs we are have been paying out to do the right thing since time and taxes began.
meanwhile, the rest of us just pay up and subsidise the whole lot, and be grateful, we're all in this together...:-)
PS, there i enjoyed that little rant, sorry.
Edited by gordonbennet on 17/07/2012 at 09:11