The heater on my 1998 Renault Scenic 1.9 DTi diesel (with aircon) has never been very good in my 6 months of ownership, but this cold weather really shows up the problem.
The heater matrix is not leaking, the coolant level is constant but even on a long run in this freezing weather the heat output is only luke warm, moving the heater control from hot to cold does make the output colder but on max heat it is pathetic. Any ideas waht the problem could be??
{updated post using drop down menus that weren't available at the time}
Edited by Dynamic Dave on 08/02/2009 at 18:18
What does the temperature gauge indicate on the dashboard?
It might need a new thermostat. Another thought is a partially blocked heater matrix - highly unlikely though on a 4yr old car.
Temperature guage indicates normally!
I have no specific experience of the Scenic but this is so often trapped air in the system with other cars.
Try and work out where the heater matrix/hoses are in relation to the coolant filler, if they are higher the air thing is quite likely.
The Espace can suffer this if air works its way round the system. Fiddly to bleed.
Both the pipes to the heater matrix were cool even after a long journey, local garage removed and tested the thermostat (faulty) and now the heater air is slightly warmer but still only luke warm. One of the pipes to the heater matrix is very warm, the other cool. The garage suspects a blocked matrix, but with a four year old 90000 mile Scenic that has always done long journeys I find this surprising - anyone got experience of this sort of problem on Scenics? Before forking out for a big matrix replacement repair I may reverse flush the matrix and rebleed the system in case it the blockage can be removed or if air is trapped in the matrix (is this possible??) - the matrix pipes are a few inches below the header tank.
Edited by Dynamic Dave on 08/02/2009 at 18:19
Just to complete the story - the problem was a blocked heater matrix, replaced by a local independent Renault specialist here in Somerset for under £300, less than half the price quoted by the main dealer! Not too painful after all, thanks for the advice and if you know a good specialist use them and avoid those main dealers as much as possible!!
Edited by Dynamic Dave on 08/02/2009 at 18:19
i am currently having the same problem with a 1999 diesel scenic, is it a big job to do yourself, and can it be done without removing the dash?