Mercedes-Benz 380sl - Registration fees - Pebble

Hi all, just went to the DMV this morning to get my new banger Benz registered...fee for one year was a stratospheric $165. I think that's the most I've ever paid to register a car! (last one was like $60) Now I'm sure your fees vary by make, model and year, but I was curious as to what all y'all pay for your there a formula to work out what they cost?

Mercedes-Benz 380sl - Registration fees - Hamsafar

£270 ish.

Mercedes-Benz 380sl - Registration fees - Armitage Shanks {p}

12-month Vehicle Excise Duty rates for cars registered since 1st March 2001*

Band CO2
emissions Standard
2010-11 Standard
Green car
2010-11 First year
2010-11 First year
Green car
2010-11 Standard
2011-12 First year
2011-12 A Up to 100 g/km £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 B 101-110 g/km £20 £10 £0 £0 £20 £0 C 111-120 g/km £30 £20 £0 £0 £30 £0 D 121-130 g/km £90 £80 £0 £0 £95 £0 E 131-140 g/km £110 £100 £110 £100 £115 £115 F 141-150 g/km £125 £115 £125 £115 £130 £130 G 151-165 g/km £155 £145 £155 £145 £165 £165 H 166-175 g/km £180 £170 £250 £240 £190 £265 I 176-185 g/km £200 £190 £300 £290 £210 £315 J 186-200 g/km £235 £225 £425 £415 £245 £445 K* 201-225 g/km £245 £235 £550 £540 £260 £580 L 226-255 g/km £425 £415 £750 £740 £445 £790 M Over 255 g/km £435 £425 £950 £940 £460 £1000

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 16/06/2012 at 23:44

Mercedes-Benz 380sl - Registration fees - mss1tw

To 'register' a vehicle here is free, you have to notify the DVLA of a change of owner.

Road tax/vehicle excise duty is paid yearly and for my powerhouse (71 screaming wild horses) 1.9 litre non-turbo diesel Citroen Berlingo is £205.

£5 less than a full size, turbo diesel Transit van.

A bargain, you'll agree.

Mercedes-Benz 380sl - Registration fees - Pebble

*does currency conversion*

That's...a lot. I'm used to driving extreme junkers that would never pass a British MOT, so my domestic version of road tax has always been negligible. The only exception was my wife's Mitsubishi, bought new...its tax was $1400 the first year! *choke*

Mercedes-Benz 380sl - Registration fees - mss1tw

Ouch! So is that based on price or age?

Mercedes-Benz 380sl - Registration fees - Pebble

Ouch! So is that based on price or age?

I think it's both when the vehicle is new, then it's more and more age based as time passes...a sliding scale, if you will. Yearly fee decreases with age.

Mercedes-Benz 380sl - Registration fees - Armitage Shanks {p}

There certainly is a fee to first register a vehicle in UK! The first year charge is a one off fee plus 12 months excise charge, for a vehicle emitting over 255gms CO2 the total is £1030!

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 17/06/2012 at 20:40

Mercedes-Benz 380sl - Registration fees - mss1tw

Of course - that explains pre-registration deals!

Mercedes-Benz 380sl - Registration fees - Pebble

If they charge per amount of CO2 emitted I'd be walking! I'm sure my vehicles have all emmitted it by the ton.

Mercedes-Benz 380sl - Registration fees - Armitage Shanks {p}

Not really! Someone has to pay the "Registration fee" to get the vehicle on the road. The explanation of pre-registration deals is:-

Quite often our customers ask why some of our cars are registered but unused.

There are various reasons why cars are registered before being sold onto their next owner. The majority are bulk purchases of one particular model, registered by a dealer who in turn will receive generous discounts or bonuses from the manufacturer.