Training for Car Sales - Max the Dog
Hello all, first time poster.
I wonder if anybody can offer advice please.
I have some limited experience in Car Sales and very much wish to further
a career in the trade.
(Yes, i'm well aware its a tough game with long hours but I know its what I want to do. ;-) )

Unfortunately openings for people with little experience are few and far between. Most Dealerships appear to want experienced sellers only.

Anyway, my question is, are there Training Courses available that I can take that are Industry recognised?

I'd appreciate any pointers.
Training for Car Sales - Hamsafar

Look for NLP evening courses at local colleges.

Books, DVDs and websites are good, but they teach theory, but a course will have demonstrations and group practicals.

nlp operational principles

NLP consists of a set of powerful techniques for rapid and effective behavioural modification, and an operational philosophy to guide their use. It is based on four operational principles, which below these headings are explained in more detail.

1. Know what outcome you want to achieve. (See nlp principle 1 - achieving outcomes.)

2. Have sufficient sensory acuity (acuity means clear understanding) to know if you are moving towards or away from your outcome (See nlp principle 2 - sensory awareness.)

3. Have sufficient flexibility of behaviour so that you can vary your behaviour until you get your outcome. (See nlp principle 3 - changing behaviour.)

4. Take action now. (See nlp principle 4 - time for action)

It is important to have specific outcomes. Many people do not have conscious outcomes and wander randomly through life. NLP stresses the importance of living with conscious purpose. In order to achieve outcomes it is necessary to act and speak in certain ways. NLP teaches a series of linguistic and behavioural patterns that have proved highly effective in enabling people to change the beliefs and behaviours of other people.

In using any of these patterns NLP stresses the importance of continuous calibration of the person or people you are interacting with in order to see if what you are doing is working. If it is not working it is important to do something different. The idea is to vary your behaviour until you get the results you want.

This variation in behaviour is not random. It involves the systematic application of NLP patterns. It is also important to take action, since nothing ever happens until someone takes the initiative. In short, NLP is about thinking, observing and doing to get what you want out of life.

Edited by Hamsafar on 09/06/2012 at 20:26

Training for Car Sales - Max the Dog
Ok then, thanks for that.

What I really want to learn is the mechanics of a deal rather than the theory of how to influence a buyer.
Training for Car Sales - Max the Dog
From my searches about and here it does rather appear that the only way to get experience is to do the job and the only way to get a job is to have experience!.
Its very frustrating!
Training for Car Sales - Roly93
From my searches about and here it does rather appear that the only way to get experience is to do the job and the only way to get a job is to have experience!. Its very frustrating!

This is the case with so many jobs now, employers can be so picky that if you haven't got 85% of the required skills why should they bother. The only real approach to break through this some of the time sadly is to offer a no-wage trial for a couple of weeks so they haven't lost anything maybe.

Training for Car Sales - Tonto1

Have you tried going via some of the manufacturer websites. I get the Honda newsletter, and they were running a training scheme for college/Uni leavers wanting to break into sales. Likewise, when we purchased our Mini recently, the very helpful young sales guy had joined as a trainee - he replaced another trainee that had managed to land a job with Mini in Australia! I'm sure Ford also used to do something similar.

Despite high unemployment, car sales in hard work and requires very high people skills - the jobs can't be that easy to fill, particularly as we're laways hearing that schools are churning out students with very poor practical/business skills.

Training for Car Sales - Max the Dog
Thanks for the pointers guys.