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Mercedes-Benz C-Class W202 - Bullying on Motor forums - dodgethebullies

I thought I should share this story with everyone about being bullied on motoring forums;

(EDIT: Link deleted. Sorry, but we're not in the business of commenting on other forums. If you feel you're being 'bullied' on a forum, don't visit the forum.)

Edited by Avant on 23/04/2012 at 21:58

Mercedes-Benz C-Class W202 - Bullying on Motor forums - madf

Seems typical forum behaviour to me.

And your link shows nothing. without joining the forums so I assume you are spamming.

Edited by madf on 23/04/2012 at 17:17

Mercedes-Benz C-Class W202 - Bullying on Motor forums - dodgethebullies

Do you work for ECP?

Mercedes-Benz C-Class W202 - Bullying on Motor forums - madf

Do you work for ECP?

That answer is a clear sign of paranoia..

And if I did work for them, would I admit it?

I don't work for anyone.

Bullying on Motor forums - dodgethebullies

Please be assured that this is not spam - more an unpleasant warning for the unwary when joining motoring forums - like me!

Bullying on Motor forums - unthrottled

Bullying on an internet forum?? Yes, people feel emboldened with the anonymity of the internet, but it's stretch to call childish insults 'bullying'. Some people are thin-skinned methinks...

Bullying on Motor forums - tony g
Reads like paranoia to me ,probably the sort of guy that has to check who's under his bed before he retires for the night
Bullying on Motor forums - dodgethebullies

People can clearly decide for themselves but thanks for your interest!

Edited by dodgethebullies on 23/04/2012 at 19:18

Bullying on Motor forums - balleballe

ECP and carparts4less are owned by the same people.......

How exactly are they in competition?

Bullying on Motor forums - dodgethebullies

I would offer that there is a big differece between "childish insults" and threats to kill or even veiled ones such as 'you want to be more careful'.

Bullying on Motor forums - unthrottled

I would offer that there is a big differece between "childish insults" and threats to kill

Yes, because a threat from someone who doesn't know my name or address really stops me sleeping at night. Honestly!

Bullying on Motor forums - dodgethebullies

Not sure I understand why you think its OK in the first place?

Bullying on Motor forums - mss1tw

Don't worry I'll kill him for you

Bullying on Motor forums - unthrottled

I never said it was OK. I just don';t see the sense in being upset by something that:

a.) you can nothing about, and,

b.) Doesn't affect you in the first place.

Bullying on Motor forums - dodgethebullies

So cyber bullying is endemic and we should just leave at that?

The sad thing is you are probably right, I can't see any comments in support of this thread - other than "don't worry I'll kill him for you" which the monitors of this site seem happy to leave up so you'll be pleased to know I'm supporting a losing battle against people like you?

It's a bit like tonight's Panorama regarding elderly people being abused in care - to some it's shocking, to others - who cares I'm not old?

What comes around goes around!

Bullying on Motor forums - unthrottled

It's a bit like tonight's Panorama regarding elderly people being abused in care - to some it's shocking, to others - who cares I'm not old?

No, it's pragmatism.

All the handwringing about care for the elderly really turns my stomach. Why? because all the people complaining have nice, clean, well paid desk jobs. Are you willing to wipe bottoms for £6.50 an hour. Shift work of course- Evenings weekends and Christmas day?

No, thought not. Anyone not prepared to do the job has no right to complain; you simply have to put up with the less than perfect efforts of those that have to do the unpleasant task.

The nettle that nobody will acknowledge, let alone grasp, is that the inexorable rise in longevity is a disaster whose effects are only starting to be felt.

Now after pondering the heat death of society, surely a bit of unpleasantness on an internet forum doesn't seem quite so bad after all?!

Bullying on Motor forums - RicardoB

Is it me?

Bullying on Motor forums - dodgethebullies

I do work with eldely people and I love doing it... and them. They deserve my respect, help and consideration - not things you clearly know anything about - yet?

Bullying on Motor forums - unthrottled

Then you have my highest respect-and my sincerest apolgies. I couldn't/wouldn't do your job and I take my hat off to people like you who do.

Bullying on Motor forums - dodgethebullies

Hollow & disingenuous... like all your other comments - end

Bullying on Motor forums - unthrottled

No sarcasm intended. I think you perhaps look to take offence where non is intended.

Bullying on Motor forums - dodgethebullies

For anyone actually interested in reading the story just Google (advert deleted) and you'll find it

Edited by Avant on 24/04/2012 at 00:50

Mercedes-Benz C-Class W202 - Bullying on Motor forums - Avant

That's enough of this unnecessary thread which is itself leading to insults, and is also a possible attempt at a free advert.

As I said in editing the first post, If you feel you're being 'bullied' on a forum, don't visit the forum.

Thread closed.

Edited by Avant on 24/04/2012 at 00:51