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Which MPV? - HokkaHokka


I am attached with 2 children (age 3 and 4), one of whom is very prone to car sickness.

I need a used car or an MPV that has room in the rear for two child seats and my missus in the middle (with a bucket just in case!) The missus is very petit so she doesn't need tonnes of room!

The most important factors for me are:

* Comfortable for passengers (especially those prone to car sickness)

* Safe and reliable

* Enough space in the back to meet my needs

* Not too thrirsy/ costly to run

My budget will be around £7k and at the moment I am considering the Toyota Verso, VW Golf Plus, VW Touran and the Ford S-Max. If there are any non MPV models that could meet these requirements, I would also be interested in considering them

Any ideas please?

Many thanks in advance!


Which MPV? - a900ss
I had an S Max for 18 months and 55,000 miles and it is perfect for what you have described.

Good luck.
Which MPV? - unthrottled

A friend of mine has an S-max and raves about it. it is a good car. But with only two children, do you need a third row of seats? It does take up a lot of boot space and it is a big vehicle. For a family of four, I would recommend something a little smaller., like the golf plus (or Estate). Much easier to park and manoeuvre around town. Probably better on fuel too.

Which MPV? - jamie745

£7k on something children might be sick in? I'd line the boot with rubber matts and put them in there.

Have you considered a wheelbarrow? :P

Which MPV? - gordonbennet

Kia Carens

Which MPV? - cavey76

Honda FRV. 3 individual seats across the back which can slide to offset and recline to a degree. The middle front row seat can be flattened too to give your a wife a view out the front. Also for an MPV it drives very un-MPV and more car like due to the wider track.

Ours has been demoted to 2nd car as by necessity we need a Sedona for the whole clan, mum, dad and 5 kids....i know i know...not very Malthusian...but hey ho!.....

Which MPV? - Auristocrat

Kia Carens. The Kia can be had in 5 or 7 seater versions.

Mazda 5 - has sliding rear passenger doors for easy access.

2nd generation Citroen Berlingo/Peugeot Partner Tipee

Which MPV? - Avant

With a child prone to car-sickness you need something with firm suspension, so I wouldn't suggest anything French. Your partner may be petite but still needs to be comfortable, so you need to try the various options out and see which gives her what she needs.

An S-Max sounds good - but to keep within your budget you might only get a well-worn one. The Skoda Superb is one to add to the list: not an MPV but lots of room in the back.

Which MPV? - Tonto1

A late model of the last generation of CRV would be within your reach. Very good compromise on ride, and rear seats are slightly elevated, making it very popular with younger kids (or adults) as they get a good view and don't feel boxed in. Bags of space (width and legroom) across the rear bench, and also has a very good loadspace.

An added bonus is the 'walk though' between front and rear - if you get your little uns off to sleep, your wife can step through from the middle rear to front passenger seat to join you (not whilst on the move of course!).

Which MPV? - jamie745

With a child prone to car-sickness you need something with firm suspension, so I wouldn't suggest anything French.

I suggest a bus. If they're still as terrible as when I last went on one that should be firm enough!

Your partner may be petite but still needs to be comfortable, so you need to try the various options out and see which gives her what she needs

You dirty devil. You are now talking my language Avant at least but I prefer the curvy shapely woman myself.

Which MPV? - ksj

From personal experience, I'd discount the honda crv - it doesn't give you that much room between child seats and when you want or need to carry a third child (your eldest may soon want to have friends over to play) you'll need a different car (you can't get a third car seat along the back seat and the front passenger airbag doesn't turn off). The s-max is an option, but if that's too large for you, what about the c-max?

Which MPV? - Falkirk Bairn

Before you buy a car

Borrow a DVD player that slings around the headrests - some kids avoid car sickness by watching videos. If it works you can relax your views on your car choice, if not..........back to the drawing board.

Which MPV? - TeeCee

As one who used to puke like a trouper as a kid (and still gets carsick as a passenger) and also has a daughter who has inherited my propensity to vomit in moving vehicles, I can offer a few pointers.

The only real answer is to sit in the front and watch where you're going. Worked for me, works for my daughter. Your problem is that the Safety Nazis would rather you drove around in a car full of puke these days. It is absolutely fatal to read or watch anything inside the vehicle while moving. Also, a decent supply of incoming fresh air to the face is a "must have".

Given the restrictions on kids in the front in Blighty, I would suggest that the only real option is something from the MPV or 4x4 stable that has the rear seats higher than the front for visibility (fighting chance of a direct view with a kiddie seat) and also provides face level fresh air vents for the side rear passengers. That might just do the trick. Another trick here is to remove the front headrest to improve forward visibility from the rear (Outside chance of whiplash or definate puke? It's not a difficult call that.).

For me, the suspension (bouncy or firm) made little difference, it was more about the view and the ventilation. The one exception here is anything with Citroen's hydropneumatic suspension which still makes me feel queasy to this day, even when driving one.

Do not mention food while on the move. That's fatal. My eldest once insisted on holding forth on the subject to wind up his sister, despite being repeatedly told to put a sock in it. In a move worthy of Solomon, when the inevitable occurred she turned sideways and soaked him to the skin. Nothing more was said, we figured that ten minutes stood at the side of the road, liberally covered in fresh vomit, while we attended to her was enough by way of chastisement. The expression on his face supported that theory at the time and he certainly never did it again.

Which MPV? - Bobbin Threadbare

I second that - I used to get car sick as a child (still do now and then) and it was when I felt like I couldn't see the horizon and wasn't getting much fresh air. Also I couldn't read in the car as that made it worse. I had to have something to listen to. I bet my mum and dad loved listening to some Roald Dahl on tape over and over again..............

Which MPV? - HokkaHokka

Hello ,

Thanks for all of the advice!!!

I notice that a few have recommended the S-Max.

Has anybody got any experiences with the Verso, Touran or Golf Plus?

Any other recommendations also gratefully considered!

Thanks again, good advice about car sickness - we have tried all that though - unfortunately the only thing that works 90% of the time are prescribed drugs - otherwise she lasts 10 minutes if we are lucky! Having the back seats higher may be a good idea though...


Which MPV? - ksj

Touran is a good, if dull-looking, family car. Lots of room, fantastic boot space and boot is a good height (without a lip) for getting pushchairs etc in and out. Though it's a chore, it's a good idea putting 2 car seats in the back of the car and seeing what space you have in the middle, and also how easy it is to get into that space! I'm coming back to that, because your other half will be spending quite a bit of time there...

Which MPV? - Happy Blue!

I second the desirability of the S-Max. I am one very happy driver. However, it is too large for your needs and a smaller MPV will suit very well. C-Max, Megane Scenic, Mazda5, Picasso, Verso, Carens, etc etc. How about a Belingo? Higher rear seats and easy to wash out!

For £7,000 you will find many good examples of these cars.

Which MPV? - Bobbin Threadbare

Honest John loves the Mazda 5.

Which MPV? - 5cylinderdiesel


I have a 2006 Seat Altea XL 1.9 TDi (a Golf Plus but with more space). With regards to your requirements:

*the back seat space can almost rival a superb (it sits higher if you value that, we find it useful when changing nappies on the back seat while travelling on holiday). Very comfortable and spacious in my opinion.

*it's got a very good NCAP safety rating (one of the reasons why I bought one). It's got the Golf V suspension I believe and it sits well around a corner especially for a high car.

*As mentioned above it is actually very spacious. Ignoring the Superb very few cars can rival it's back seat leg room. We've done many long trips (inc Scotland) and because it also sit's a little higher than a normal car it is quite comfortable. Boot is 535 L, which is big.

*I've done 25k in 2 years and at 95k on the clock it's running smoothly. My overall average is 52 mpg (say 48 to be conservative) as per the trip computer, which I think is very reasonable.

I'm obviously a little biased as I love the old Altea, but I think it is one of the most under rated 5 seat family cars. You should at least go and see one for yourself. For your budget you can buy a nice 1.9 TDi that will give you many reliable miles. If you get the stylance you get all the bells and whistles. Just to be fair, it is not without it's niggles, the cruise control can be temperamental and the back window water spray doesn’t work and it is a little noisy. None the less, as a package hard to beat for the money I think.

Good luck.

Which MPV? - HokkaHokka

Thanks, I hadn't thought about the Altea- I'll definitely be looking into this.

tbh - I think a 5 seater would suffice as long as there were 3 full size seats in the rear.

I would deinitely be cautious about putting my kids in the back two seats in an mpv due to safety concerns... not ruling out the Verso yet though.