Hello nobbyjo, it is worth trying what RT did. Presumably your family and or neighbours will be able to confirm your presence at home on the 19th. They may just drop it and pursue an easier target. However if they still take you to court, do what I did.
Northamptonshire Police got the paperwork wrong with my case. I wrote a similar letter to RT but they ignored it and summoned me to court. When I got to court I immediately contacted the Clerk to the Justices and told him the police paperwork was incorrect and there should be no case to answer, I also showed him the paperwork, copies of letters etc and stated I was mounting a robust defence with witness statements etc. He was having a busy day and the last thing he wanted was a protracted case with very little chance of winning or justice being served. He went away and obviously intervened with the Magistrate. When he returned he took me straight into court, I pleaded 'Not Guilty' the magistrate said ' Case dismissed' and that was it, all in about half an hour. Needless to say no mention of photographs was mentioned, so concentrate on the paperwork. If it is wrong you stand a good chance of a discharge. Best of luck and keep us informed. Concrete.