fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - fsa

Hello all

I've just been in an accident where I rear ended another car and mine looks unrepairable. I'm really scared I'm going to lose my licence as I've only been driving for a year and also worried at how much this will all cost me. I was hoping for some advice and possible outcomes from all this? I hope this doesn't seem too War & Peace...

Since I went into the back of the other car, I am to blame...but the situation wasn't straightforward. This was a straight single carriageway A road and in the distance there was a 4x4 on the left side of the road facing the oncoming traffic. There were 3 cars ahead of me all of which slowed down to nearly a standstill. That 4x4 then mounted the verge and traffic flow resumed, so I picked up speed. Then all of a sudden the car in front of me braked and so did I, but obviously not in time. The 4x4 was involved with some road side clearing up or something as another 4x4 with a trailer showed up and the lady I crashed into was kicking up a fuss about how there was no signage for the workers or a flashing yellow light.

The other driver and her terrier seemed fine and I just had some cuts from the airbags being deployed but the workers called an ambulance and while I was getting checked out, they were speaking to the police and then drove off. Obviously, I have now been cautioned and both cars were towed away. Her air bags didn't deploy and the rear bumper and light cluster is in bad shape......mine is in worse shape and there was coolant fluid all over the road. The officer thought given the age of the car (51 plate) it would be a write-off.

I'm really shaken up and passing bricks. I can't believe I was careless enough to let something like this happen...and now without a car I can't get to work. Insurance company will only give a courtesy car if it's repairable. I've got about £5k saved up, but that's the only asset I have....what if the fine is higher than that?

To make matters worse, I have a bad feeling the insurance company will deny my claim. I originally bought the car off ebay and last week looked into the wheels because most of the 51-53-reg fabias I see locally have hubcaps and mine are alloys. I presumed it was because I had the 'comfort' trim and I bought it off a middle-aged lady who's a nurse...just didn't fit the profile for souping up an entry-level car. I didn't get round to making an inquiry with the insurance company, but now that they will send an inspector to check it out, they'll cancel the policy?

If that happens, they'll pursue me for the lady's repairs? And I'll get retrospectively done for driving without valid insurance?

I've just remembered I left stuff in the boot of the car...the police dropped me off at home and I was too shaken up to think about it beforehand. It's been towed to the nearest garage to the incident, which is 10 miles from where I live. Should I get a hire car or something to get my stuff?

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - kevin67h

I see you have no answers as yet and so I'm replying because it's frustrating otherwise.

My experience of insurance companies is they are not charities - however, I don't think think they want to put you through the mill either. I've never had any insurance company ask for details like alloys etc but the engineers report might include this. I don't think this will invalidate your insurance although I can see that the insurance company won't pay for alloys but standard wheels.

I can say every accident is unique because of the circumstances, etc. If you show contrition and remorse for what has happened then I have found people get treated more leniently.

The Police are obliged to caution you. Sometimes charges are brought and dropped, sometimes it goes to court. If the magistrates see that you are sorry and willing to put right your mistake (we all make mistakes) then you will be treated well. Your own personal circumstances are taken very much into consideration - your car, injuries, hardship, getting to work, etc. You might say that as a result of this experience you will put yourself through the PassPlus scheme to improve your driving skills. If you get fined you can negotiate to pay this over a period of time. If this happens you will need to declare it on your next insurance application.

I think it's pretty certain your next lot of premiums are going to be high and maybe so high you can't afford to drive for a while.

When I got rear-ended I thought I was okay and pretty bad whiplash kicked in later that night. I still get pains now after nearly a year, especially when I'm tired. Even though it wasn't my fault, it's changed my driving habits in that I'm much more slower and bigger gaps between cars. Getting to work 5 minutes later is way better than not at all. But you now that and your driving will mature as a result.

Get a friend or taxi to get your stuff out of the boot.

Lastly, it's natural to be stressed - but being stressed won't do you any good or make the situation any better. You are going to be on a roller-coaster ride for a while so you might as well make it as comfortable as you can. Things will be out of your control but asking questions will help you see where you're going and what to expect.

Good luck and try and get some peace.

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - Paul G1pdc

You might find the alloys are fine, my mother in law bought her A4 Avant in 1997 brand new, as standard it came with steel wheels and plastic trims, she ticked the option box for the 15" alloy wheels.

so as far as her insurance is concerned (she checked with them (L.V)) the car was delivered to her with alloys so there not a modification. If she bought the alloys even 1 day after the car was puchased it would cost her £50 extra per year....as it would be a modification from the factory ordered car...

try not to worry to much, it might well be all ok....


fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - tony g
Hi abd,
I don't think your situations as bad as you think.

Dealing with the issues point by point ,

First you are definitely at fault as you collided with the rear of a car ,your insurance will have to pay for the damage to the other car as well as damage to your own car ,which will probably be written off ,don't forget you are entitled to the replacement value for your car ,check autotrader for similair cars and their selling prices .your insurance company will try to give you less ,that's normal ,insist on the retail price as an average of the cars for sale on autotrader .

Second ,you have been cautioned by the police ,it doesn't follow that they will prosecute you ,you have not been summoned to appear in court ,it may not happen .From what you said ,you were not speeding ,you were not reckless .
It seems to me that the worst charge that can be considered is driving without due care and attention ,it's not a serious offence . Three points on your license and £250 as a fine is likely .

The alloy wheels are not the issue you believe ,it may be that the car was fitted
with them when new ,or perhaps as an accessorie ,at a later stage .The point is that you bought the car with them fitted . At the time you bought and insured the car you had no way of knowing if they were an accessorie or not .

Don't comment on the alloys to your insurance company or it's asserors ,then it won't become an issue .They were a standard fit on that model ,to the best of your knowledge .

Fourth ,
Taking a taxi or getting a friend to drive you is a cheaper option ,than renting a car to collect your goods from the car ,also take your tax disc off the windscreen and apply for a refund after the asseror has confirmed your car is a write off.The tax disc is yours to claim a refund on .

Your situation is not as bad as you think ,try not to worry .

Please contact the forum if you need more help ,and do let us know the outcome ,Your experience will go to help other members with a similair problem .


Tony g

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - Duncan112

The insurance company may well rely on the word of the garage that the vehicle has gone to that it is irreparable - loss adjusters are getting fewer and fewer and IME tend to concentrate on the more "suspect" claims.

As the others have said - try not to worry, you walked away from it which is a bonus!!

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - fsa

Kevin, Paul, Tony & Duncan,

I just want to thank you guys immensely for taking the time to reply. It truly means a lot and really has put my mind at ease. Having never been in a situation like this, I was really very panicked. The ironic thing is that I sent off my application to the local RoADAR the day before all this happened! I hope no one minds if I keep posting updates here for advice....I don't want to be a nuisance, but you guys are such a fountain of knowledge.

I definitely wasn't speeding as I only just picked up speed about 200m from where it all happened...it was a narrow single carriageway. But Im not sure as if my attention managed to lapse enough not to realise the person in front braked, then what if I was going over 60? But then again, I really doubt that puny 68bhp engine could pick up that much speed in 200m.

I was under the impression all police reports end up going to the magistrates and the person at fault is always punished. I can only hope for the best, but if I have to face the magistrates I hope they realise how apologetic I am and determined to improve my skills so as not to let something like this happen again.

My current premium was FC £800...with an at fault accident it goes up to TPFT £1700 and with points its up to over £2000 (for similarly sized entry-level engines). I am kinda stuck now because I work part-time in between my studies at a hospital 70miles away (I used to work there before moving to this town to be nearer the uni and the manager there gives me a lot of flexibility as opposed to the hospitals nearby).

With regards to them paying the replacement value of the car, how does that work in conjunction with the excess for the policy? Autotrader prices are less than my total excess, so does that mean I would have to pay them the difference for the costs they've incurred?

I won't mention the alloys to the insurance people....I'm the 5th owner of the car and can't possibly be expected to know what previous owners did, right? It was just a humble little car without bodykits or any of that boyracer malarky, so I had no reason to suspect anything.

Thanks for the reminder on the tax disc...will do that. Would I be allowed to remove my stereo and parrot system? I also put in skoda speakers in the rear as this model didn't have any...am I allowed to remove them? Im guessing I have to say goodbye to the seats...the ones in the car were dirty so I got some clean ones from breakers to replace them. Sadly the dirty ones are still at home as I didn't list them on ebay yet.

Once again, thank you everyone for your input.

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - tony g
Hi abd,

The charge has to be approved by a police inspector for forwarding to the magistrates court ,he may decide not to send it forward . Given that you were not reckless or speeding the magistrates may not convict you as the other driver stopped suddenly .

Regarding the excess ,if your car had a retail value of £500 and your excess was £600 ,you wouldn't receive a payment ,neither would you have to repay them £100 .

You should remove the stereo ,speakers and the hands free kit as they were not part of the cars original equipment ,don't leave the removal to long as they are likely to disappear in the garage compound .

Good luck

Tony g
fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - Paul G1pdc

you mentioned the alloys...but now you've said about adding a different stereo and speakers....

as this didn't come with the car from new....again it should have been added as a modification on your insurance.....


ok you can ask about the parot system...but don't push for the stereo.....

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - fsa

Even stereos and speakers need to be declared? I thought it was just changes to the outside and engine! Im such a fool!

The garage said they're still waiting for the traffic inspectors to have a look at the car so they can't let me retrieve anything yet.

Edited by anotherbadday on 19/03/2012 at 15:24

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - tony g
(The garage said they're still waiting for the traffic inspectors to have a look at the car so they can't let me retrieve anything yet.)

Hi ,traffic inspectors ? ,this is a new one to me ,who are they and what is their involvement in an issue like this .

Tony g
fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - fsa

I don't know...I specifically asked if it was the insurance inspectors and they said 'no, its from the traffic dept'...

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - Armitage Shanks {p}

Well at least the police examiners probably won't know what extras and equipment you have on the car which may not have been declared to the insurers!

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - tony g
Hi,the only traffic inspectors I know of are involved in the control and the investigation of HGV companies .

Can I suggest you contact your insurance company and ask them if they have asked for inspectors to view the car .

If not them, do you have contact details for the police who were involved at the scene of the accident ,use them to find details of who the traffic inspectors could be and what their function might be .


Tony g
fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - veryoldbear

When you go to get your stuff, take the vehicle reg document abd some photo ID with you, otherwise they may not let you int. It makes sense, they don't want people wandering around nicking stuff out of crashed vehicles.

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - fsa

Just to update on the situation....the insurance company said the traffic officer who attended the scene requested traffic inspectors. I haven't had any luck getting hold of him for further information.

The garage where the car is atm said the inspectors had been on Thursday but they have not 'released' it yet, so they can't let me near it. I'm trying to get to it before the insurance company take it to their garage, which is much further away.

Once again, many thanks everybody for your advice and suggestions.

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - fsa

Another update....I managed to pick up all my things from the car and received a call from the insurance company's motor engineer regarding valuation. I was expecting to get a grilling about the alloys, but they just said it will be written off and offered a settlement amount.

The thing that gets to me is that the amount they said is almost double the Parkers valuation for that car. Googling reveals people complaining about undervaluations, but how can they overvaluate? I wasn't expecting to get any payouts as my excess was the same as my predicted valuation of the car (and also what I paid for it at auction)....I might get something out of this after all, although am a tad suspicious.

You know what they say about no free lunch and all that!

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - RT

Just take the money !

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - tony g
Absolutely agree with the last post ,take the money you've got a good result ,don't forget that because of the accident and claim , your insurance will increase in cost next year ,you will need extra cash for that .


Tony g
fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - fsa

Hopefully the final update on this case. Received a cheque from the insurers of about the value of what I paid for the car in the first place, and slightly more than my premium with them.

At the same time, received an invite to the Driver Alertness Course. I'm lucky my county is participating in this scheme....so it's £190 for a full day and avoid being presented in front of the Magistrates.

Many thanks to all of you for keeping me sane through this period!

fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - tony g
Hi,a good result ,good luck with your next car purchase .

Tony g
fabia mpi - Rear-ended another car, it's totaled...now scared - jc2

And there should be NO requirement to mention the "Driver Alertness Course" on your next insurance proposal.