Same old, same old.
The only battery guarantee worth having was the old Unipart "Samson" lifetime one. If you could show the original guarantee card and prove you still had the car, they'd give you a new one on the spot with no questions asked.
I remember my father cleaning out his desk one day and finding a Samson guarantee card down the back of one of the drawers. He went out to the garage, found the decade old dead battery, cleaned the outside a bit, took it in and got a new one. It "belonged" to an MG Midget that he still had in a lockup somewhere.
He asked the bloke behind the counter who showed him an instruction from Unipart head office that basically said "If the paperwork's in order, just do it and don't argue!". The replacement ones came with a new guarantee.
I went through three of 'em, one paid and two replacements, on my old MGB....