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honda s2000 - Verbal contract and main dealers - chilledbud

honda s2000 - Verbal contract and main dealers - skidpan

An award to the poster using internet exploder.

honda s2000 - Verbal contract and main dealers - Avant

Welcome to the forum: do please try again via Google Chrome or Firefox.

honda s2000 - Verbal contract and main dealers - Armitage Shanks {p}

honda s2000 - Verbal contract and main dealers - Armitage Shanks {p}

The well known movie mogul, Sam Goldwyn, once remarked that "A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it is written on!" Verbal contract = No contract IMO

honda s2000 - Verbal contract and main dealers - TeeCee

Nope, that blob's got rounded corners so they must be either using Safari or engaged in IP theft.

Besides, that problem's not actually IE's fault, it's the mountain of external scripts that have to be resolved on page here. No problem, as the cruft renders in the background with the comment window already live, but some of it CHANGES FOCUS!!!

Very poor.....

honda s2000 - Verbal contract and main dealers - Avant

TeeCee, if you have a moment perhaps you could explain to poor saps like me what that para actually means?

Crufts is a dog show and IE9 is certainly a dog. The problem doesn't happen with other browsers and I personally didn't have a problem with earlier versions of IE.

honda s2000 - Verbal contract and main dealers - TeeCee

I'll have a bash, basically you have two problems here.

Firstly this site serves every version of IE as if it were IE6, forcing the use of "compatibility mode" in later versions, which is just plain nasty. 9 is not a dog, but 6 most certainly was and forcing all the later versions to bark its cruddy tune is not the right approach. It's probably about time to cease support for 6 altogether and just present a "get a better browser, idiot" page when confronted with the IE6 ID string. 9 can handle vanilla HTML 5 like Chrome and would probably be far happier with the version from CMS served to Chrome, FF etc than that which this site chucks at it natively(!)

Secondly, operating in IE6 compatible mode is sloooooow. There's a variety of scripting cruft served here (most notably those pointless soshal meejah buttons to the upper right, but also some of the advertising[1]), which the old IE6 engine takes an age to process. This site quite correctly presents the bit you want (the entry box) first, so that goes active and you can start typing. Unfortunately, some of the stuff being rendered in the background is poorly written in its archaic IE6 friendly incarnation and causes the focus to change from the entry box as it is being processed, so you end up hitting something else. In some cases this can cause the "Post message" button to be inadvertantly hit.

FYI, this was posted using IE8 in its god-awful IE6 compatibility mode. It works, but it just requires the taking of a deep breath while the page settles down before typing.

[1] There is a plus side. I've seen many complaints about slideover / popup ads here. I've never seen 'em as none of 'em have ever had their scripted functions supported in IE6 mode......:-}

honda s2000 - Verbal contract and main dealers - Avant

That's really helpful, TeeCee. I'lll pass this on to our softare experts,although I'll wait till I'm back from holiday next week. Here in Cape Town internet communications are a little erratic.

honda s2000 - Verbal contract and main dealers - thunderbird

I've seen many complaints about slideover / popup ads here. I've never seen 'em as none of 'em have ever had their scripted functions supported in IE6 mode......:-}

Connot stop pop ups in IE9 but never had a problem in IE8 or Chrome.

honda s2000 - Verbal contract and main dealers - focussed

Having read the previous technobabble which has no real meaning for ordinary mortals, I have had problems with IE posting on this forum-so I now use Chrome. But how come every other forum that I am a member of is not intolerant of IE?

honda s2000 - Verbal contract and main dealers - focussed

Having read the previous technobabble which has no real meaning for ordinary mortals, I have had problems with IE posting on this forum-so I now use Chrome. But how come every other forum that I am a member of is not intolerant of IE?