When our local police do their community engagement stuff speeding is a top three public concern along with petty theft and ASB.
One response is community speedwatch. Local citizens are trained to use a speed gun and log the results. No legal powers but if same cars/excess speeds crop up again and again then owner will have a copper knocking on their door.
The folks who volunteer are the same ones as mow the churchyard. pick litter and plant bulbs on verges. Not wannabe coppers, public spirited types mostly retired and with time on their hands. Activity tends to take plae on sunny days between May and September. The idea that they'd look for confrontation or call anyone a cu*t is inconceivable.
My guess is the OP met some sort of vigilante. If there is an official CS scheme and he was part of it then he's way outside his box and needs reporting.
Edited by Bromptonaut on 18/02/2012 at 09:23