OK, I'll admit to having used this stuff!
I use it on my 13 year old, very dark blue, fair weather toy, seemed something worth a try.
Being what it is, the car lives in the garage and mainly suffers from dust, occasional bird muck, squashed bugs and a little mud under the sills, rather than serious dirt.
This being the first year I've used it my routine has been.....
Early spring - a thorough good normal wash and polish.
Every month or so since - a dose of this stuff. Easy, quick, no nasty swirls / scratches yet (I gave it a good claying etc at end of last year) and a good shine.
Late autumn will give it another wash and polish.
My thoughts are ......... I am not subjecting the car to water which may collect in deep recesses in the car promoting rust. Nor am I spending my time washing and polishing the thing rather than driving it.
Not the usual daily car which would get much dirtier, so possibly the ideal use for the stuff.
I will give it a good thinking about at the end of the year or end of bottle whichever comes first.
Confession over!