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Ford Fiesta (think about 1.25l) Mk IV, "S" 1998 - Flasher relay identification PLEASE URGENT - Englishbullterrier

My errants sons girlfriends Fiesta's flashers need a new relay (or so she has been told !).

Can someone PLEASE help me identify it, like a relay number or position on the board ?

I assume the fuse/relay board is behind the passenger side glove compartment ?

Many thanks in advance..............ebt

Ford Fiesta (think about 1.25l) Mk IV, "S" 1998 - Flasher relay identification PLEASE URGENT - elekie&a/c doctor

The 3 pin flasher unit clips into the back of the indicator stalk switch.Are you sure this is the problem,as they don,t often fail?Btw,there are no fuses/relays behind the glovebox.They are to the right of the steering column or in the engine bay fuse box.hth

Ford Fiesta (think about 1.25l) Mk IV, "S" 1998 - Flasher relay identification PLEASE URGENT - Englishbullterrier

Many thanks HTH. The story is that she took the car to a garage (before asking me to look at it) and they "fixed it". This lasted a few days, then they packed up again.

Thought I'd change the relay as a diagnostic aid, that way I can discount it and look further. I can ger one from a local breakers. Are they easily accessible/removable do you know ?

Many thanks indeed for your help...........ebt

(By the way, don't know how your memory is but my '97 diesel Escort is running fine after I replaced the filter/fuel pump housing with a bulb primer. No more air ingress causing stalling ! Done 2500 miles since).

Ford Fiesta (think about 1.25l) Mk IV, "S" 1998 - Flasher relay identification PLEASE URGENT - elekie&a/c doctor

Access to the flasher relay requires removal of the steering column plastic covers.I would try spraying some contact cleaner down into the hazard switch and work it up and down a few times.This often fixes erratic operation of indicator/hazard function.hth

Ford Fiesta (think about 1.25l) Mk IV, "S" 1998 - Flasher relay identification PLEASE URGENT - Englishbullterrier

Many thanks for the tip hth, I'm hoping he'll bring it around this morning and I'll get a look at it. Will update later...........ebt

Ford Fiesta (think about 1.25l) Mk IV, "S" 1998 - Flasher relay identification PLEASE URGENT - Englishbullterrier

Manage to get a relay from another Mk4 Fiesta. Even after taking the steering wheel shrouds off, it was not easy to locate, as it is black and fits in very fluch with surrounding plastic.

Anyway, replaced into failing car and "hey presto", all working. So, it was the relay after all. Happy Son and Partner now !

Cheers hth................ebt