I'm going to have a good look at the adjustment of the cables between the gear lever and the gearbox this weekend. The only other non expensive option that I can think of is the clutch cable adjustment.
Any other suggestions anybody ?
I had a similar problem with my VW Golf 1992 Diesel. Gearstick became loose and erratic. Sometimes couldn't engage reverse, Sometimes 4th coming in as 2nd, no 5th, etc.
In my case the solution was simple. In the engine compartment where the linkages are there's a small piece of plastic with a cup at each end which holds together two ball joints. If you can see naked ball joints then this could be your problem. Push the plastic back into place if you can, or replace it - it will take your local VW dealer a couple of days to order in the part number IH0711595 (you need a magnifying glass to read the number!) . Add a little vaseline to the ball joints before you snap the plastic caps back into place.