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Volkswagen Golf IV tdi - temp gauge - richiek

Hi all, I've just bought a Mk4 Golf gt tdi 130 and even though it drives well the temp gauge hardly moves from the minimum position even after 30 mins driving. Sometimes it seems to be rising and then goes back down again. Is it just a sensor or is the coolant just not getting hot enough. The heating system seems to work fine so I guess it must be electrical, Any suggestions anyone?

Volkswagen Golf IV tdi - temp gauge - cws

First thing I'd do is replace the coolant temperature sender - these are very common on faliures. Under £20 for a new sender, and easy to fit > let the car cool down to cold, undo the coolant expansion tank cap, then simply a case of swapping out the sender. If you google it you'll find plenty of guides/pictures on Golf forums.

Volkswagen Golf IV tdi - temp gauge - Peter D

Blank off 90% of the radiator and go for a run. If the temp goes up then I suspect the thermostat has failed. Replace with a genuine vag stat and O ring. As you have recently purchased the car take it back to the garage. They should have a thermal gun and should be able to check the actual engine temperature thus identify the problem. Regards Peter

Volkswagen Golf IV tdi - temp gauge - richiek

I had a feeling it could be the stat but why would the temp gauge intermittantly rise to about 70 degrees then fall away again? How would you go about blanking off 90% the radiator?

If it's the sender isn't that located on the other side of the engine just above the gearbox and wouldn't you have to drain the coolant before changing it?

Volkswagen Golf IV tdi - temp gauge - Peter D

With a peice of cardboard infront of the rad. Regards Peter

Volkswagen Golf IV tdi - temp gauge - richiek
Ok thanks Peter I'll try that in a bit and report the outcome.
Volkswagen Golf IV tdi - temp gauge - richiek

Ok Peter I blocked off part of the rad (no more than half) with cardboard and sure enough the temp gauge went up to 90 in about 10 mins and stayed there. The odd the thing is the small grille in the middle just under the bumper is missing (Ibought the car privately yesterday and didn't notice this) which enabled me to put the cardboard in front of the rad. Could this missing grille be causing the problem I wonder as there is obviously an increased amount of air flowing onto the rad.

Volkswagen Golf IV tdi - temp gauge - Peter D

I doubt the missing grill is the issue. It is a bit of a coincidence that the temp rose to 90 where it is supposed to be. However when these stats fail they open early. At the moment it does point to a faulty stat. How hot was the top hose when the temp indicated 90. Regards Peter

Edited by Peter D on 18/01/2012 at 08:34

Volkswagen Golf IV tdi - temp gauge - richiek

I got a new lower grille or 'air cooling grille' as the packaging stated and a stat (both genuine parts) removed the cardboard and fitted the grille first. When I drove the car around for the rest of the day the gauge worked normally. It may just be the fact that the cardboard has triggered the old stat to work normally so I'll hang on to the stat for a few days and see how it goes. If it plays up again I'll fit the new stat but if it's still fine in a weeks time I'll take it back and get a refund.

Volkswagen Golf IV tdi - temp gauge - richiek

This is really annoying now. A couple of days after fitting the lower grille the gauge started working intermittently again so I fitted the new stat which is a genuine part and all seemed fine. Then this afternoon after picking my wife up from work it stopped working again or I should say only going up a few degrees. When I got home I immediately popped the bonnet and checked the bottom hose which was cold. I take it from this that the new stat is failing or that something else is preventing it from opening (ie the housing)??? Any ideas anyone.