Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class W209 - mould on cabrio roof ...any ideas? - barney100

I have some green mould starting to make an appearance on the fabric roof and would welcome some suggestions on getting rid of it. apparently its quite commen in the damp uk.

Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class W209 - mould on cabrio roof ...any ideas? - tony g
Hi barney,
The roof on my Saab had a similar problem.
It involves a lot of hard work ,but I did it without damaging the roof.

I used liquid stardrops soap, in a bucket with warm water .I scrubbed the roof ,a small section at a time ,using a bathroom nail brush. I thought about using a nylon floor scrubbing brush,but decided against it as thought it could damage the roof fabric.

It took me about an hour to do the whole roof. Using the soap and brush produced a filthy scum of soapy residue.I got rid of the residue before it dried, by using a small cold water pressure washer.

I started in the middle of the roof and used the pressure washer to drive the residue off the roof .it works best by using the pressure washer at an angle of about 45 degrees.

The mould on mine looked more like the lichen you see growing on garage and house roofs,is yours the same.?

As I said it's hard work but worthwhile ,my Saab looks a lot better.


Tony g

Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class W209 - mould on cabrio roof ...any ideas? - barney100

Thanks for the info gents, will get on it.

Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class W209 - mould on cabrio roof ...any ideas? - Victorbox

Renovo do several specialist hood care products: