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BWM 520d M Sport - BMW 520d Loss of power (57 plate) - Rick0145

Please help.

Over the last 6 thousand miles my car has been losing power (completely) or going into limp mode. This has happened 6 times and always between 1,500 and 2,500 revs, once in 3rd gear, twice in 4th and once in 6th. The car just rolls as acceleration doesn't do anything and there are no lights on the dash nor codes logged. Each time I start the car again and it either goes nicely or on two occasions it has gone 'limp' again while getting back up to road speed.

This is a major concern as its really dangerous. Last time i was doing 70 in the fast lane of the M40 in rush hour traffic volume and had to roll to the hard shoulder with the hazzards flashing.

Please help - my local garage and a BMW specialist have both failed to correct this issue

BWM 520d M Sport - BMW 520d Loss of power (57 plate) - Avant

Moved to Technical.

BWM 520d M Sport - BMW 520d Loss of power (57 plate) - the_bandit

A few months ago those symptoms for me were due to excessive carbon build up on the variable vane turbo.

The fix was a prescribed high revs run (as detailed by manufacturer to main dealer) which as I recall was >4000rpm for about 45mins.

Car feels like new now and no problems since.