Well I got the car fixed today at Renault, But I was furious, as Renault have decided to start charging £150.00 for the repair from the 1st january, even though I booked it in in 2011, and at the time of booking they advised me i'd have to pay £100.00 they insisted and despite me calling Ranult customer service, ( who were very good, despite not sticking to the 2011 price ) Grrr... Apparently it's a regular occurence, and in France, I discovered that Renault will not give any goodwill, the owners have to fork out 700 Euros.
Well thanks Renault I will go and make a note on any and every French motoring Forum about how the UK Scenic owners get this done for a special price, and Renault will have Hell to pay, Happy new year. Whilst I was there I thought I'd get mine valued for PX in case I bought a newer one, and there was one I would have happily bought, but the p****** only offered me £1600, despite mine being the top Spec all singing and dancing version with 63 k on the clock, FSH and faultless. So I walked away. I would have expected 2-2.5 K at least knowing they have ones on their website for sale a year older with more miles. for £ 3495 . . .