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renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - joewright

  • lost all lights and information on dash, indicators and lights worked, visit too renault dealer and told two others in with the same problem, cost 450£ renault prepared to pay 350£, any help appreciated

renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - Cris_on_the_gas

6 year old Car and Renault prepared to pay most of it.

Reckon you should take the offer quickly

renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - injection doc

Cris_on_the_gas is spot on

Grab there arm and say yes please. Whilst is a known common fault with the offer they have made is a good gesture.

renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - gordonbennet

Surpised and impressed by the offer, well done Renault.

I'd be very satisfied with that outcome.

renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - joewright
renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - joewright

6 year old Car and Renault prepared to pay most of it.

Reckon you should take the offer quickly

car has been repaired took 45mins.100£ to pay nice result. renault garage in LLandudno junction North Wales good result !!! thankyou for your posts

renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - Mr Fox

I have the same Problem with the Mrs' Renault Grand Scenic, first the clock was showing 000 every time we started it up, next the guages flickered a bit, Have been on to the Renault dealer, and they were very cagey about Renault paying for most of it, they want to see it first, and asked me " what I know about this problem " when I explained that I know it is a common Fault on these cars, the receptionist agreed and said that renault will probably pay 100% if the car was less than 6 yrs old and less than 60 K miles, mines 2005, with 63 K miles, so I expect to have to pay the £100 Its been a great car apart from this, no bother at all so i think we'll just take the £100 on the chin. Its booked in for Friday, so I'll keep you advised.

renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - Mr Fox

Well I got the car fixed today at Renault, But I was furious, as Renault have decided to start charging £150.00 for the repair from the 1st january, even though I booked it in in 2011, and at the time of booking they advised me i'd have to pay £100.00 they insisted and despite me calling Ranult customer service, ( who were very good, despite not sticking to the 2011 price ) Grrr... Apparently it's a regular occurence, and in France, I discovered that Renault will not give any goodwill, the owners have to fork out 700 Euros.

Well thanks Renault I will go and make a note on any and every French motoring Forum about how the UK Scenic owners get this done for a special price, and Renault will have Hell to pay, Happy new year. Whilst I was there I thought I'd get mine valued for PX in case I bought a newer one, and there was one I would have happily bought, but the p****** only offered me £1600, despite mine being the top Spec all singing and dancing version with 63 k on the clock, FSH and faultless. So I walked away. I would have expected 2-2.5 K at least knowing they have ones on their website for sale a year older with more miles. for £ 3495 . . .

renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - kennymac

Was a shame to end my 6 years with renault, never had a problem with the car, very reliable. UNTIL..... Dashboard goes haywire, learned it was a common well documented fault (is even on watchdog) I removed it which was easy and quick to do but nothing obvious. I will be sending it to a company in Northern Ireland to repair, reset millage to my MOT evidence and have a 5 year garuntee. All for £99. Co-operative Renault dealers in Lincoln want....£45 diagnostic charge to tell me what I know, then £150 charge to replace the dash but with the millage set to zero and a lovely letter of explanation. GREAT !!!!!!

They should replace and reset for cheaper, its a rip off. Im not impressed they say the real price is over £500 and they only take £150....big deal, they should have done more to keep me as a customer of a new car, which I wanted up until yesterday.. I wonder why these Renault dealers go out of business....Back to a Ford I think.

renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - Mr Fox
renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - Mr Fox

renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - Mr Fox

Renault CAN reset the mileage, the technician plugged his computer into the car and input the correct mileage on mine.

Apart from this aberration the car has been perfect in 4 years of ownership, it has cost by far the least in repairs and maintainance of any car we've had. before we had a Ford Focus that was constantly playing up and needing coil packs every few months at a cost of 85 quid a time. this is so common a fault the RAC carry them in their vans. The problem with Renault is that the Main Dealers are totally useless. Find a good independant specialist and you will have no worries at all.

renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - joe1950

Same thing happened on my 2005 scenic, fortunately took out 2 yr warranty and was covered. The Renault dealer said he couldnt reset the mileage and gave me a bill as proof that it had been changed.

renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - Mr Fox

My renault dealer did reset the mileage, was done with a laptop in 2 minutes.

Sounds like yours was being idle.

I'm itching to get rid of this Scenic before something expensive goes wrong, but it just soldiers on perfectly, and the Mrs loves it so she won't encourage it.

I was looking at the Grand modus with 15. DCi engine as a replacement, we don't really need such a big car. if only it wasn't so ugly.

renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - smu1977
Would you have the name of the Northern Irish company? I am in Belfast and my wife's 2005 grand scenic has been doing this for the last week.
renault scenic 2005reg - dashboard gone blank - msjm2000

Just had my Dash replaced on my Renault Grand Scenic 2005 plate at CO-OP Motor Group in Lincoln. It cost £150 for diagnostic and replacement but mileage is zero. Not a bad result as the car is 8 years old. I would have lived with a blank dash but had no idea if lights were on or how much fuel I had.

Renault Scenic 55reg - Faulty Dash - itsworkingnow

Hi all,

I have just fixed the faulty dash on a 55reg. The dash in this case was working, but the clock and computer would reset on startup.

plese see videos;

removing the dash panel;


fixing the faulty dash;


Happy Motoring,



Edited by itsworkingnow on 14/10/2014 at 17:27