Whilst you've specified an 06-08 Reg car, might be worth looking at the current Verso, with the 1.8 Variomatic petrol engine and CVT auto gearbox. I spent a day with one and thought it an excellent combination of smoothness, respectable economy (37mpg) and ample performance.
As you're main requirement is for three child seats across the back, Have a look at a Honda FR-V, with 6 full size seats and no impact on the boot space. We went for this after trying various "7 seaters" which are really 5+2 little ones, and little boot space left when you've got 7 on board.
The FR-V is a genius car, couldnt be more pleased. With the flat floor and sliding seats, one can just step into the back and buckle the sprogs into their seats, then step out again. Plus, by folding the front middle seat down, it's easy to reach back and pass things to children in the rear. Whoever designed the FR-V has really studied family car requirements, not just lengthened a 5-seat car into a 7 seat one.