The average American is far better off. Salary in US$ is higher than UK avearge, taxes are lower and prices are 25% or more cheaper.
The NHS model is fatally flawed as it encourages gross abuse.
Eg A&E at weekends - drunks self inflicted.
It is unlikley to change now but an insurance scheme linked to the NHS - as most other countries use - means that users ration their usage to what is needed. The NHS also does loads of things not essential - eg facial surgery.. for nowt.
Within the next 10 years , it will change as the current benefits/health systems are unaffordable. Period.
(Like UK consumers spending more and more based on mountains of debt/mortagages. UK consumer spending will actually fall - eventually).
Current Government spending cuts are half hearted and will not eliminate the yearly deficit let alone pay back any debt in the next decade.
Cue torrents of abuse.
Well I dont think you deserve torrents of abuse !
Just a couple of counter points, why do you think the average ameican has higher salary than UK, its just that their cost of living is generally cheaper on all of the basics - food, fuel, cars, rent, property.
I agree with the part about the economy being based on consumer spending/debt which is worrying for our country as a whole.
As an optimist, I think the NHS can still work, if they do some basic things like stop doing totally uneccesary surgery, and above all have a much more agressive approach to suppliers and above all the drug companies.
It seems to me that Drug company A has drug xyz which they want to sell to the NHS. It cost £10K per dose so NICE/NHS doesn't use it at all, although it may be pretty good. Doesn't anyone turn round and say, there are 50,000 potential cases which need this drug and if you can supply for 2/3 of this price you have a deal ??
Also, the immigration authorities have let the NHS down by allowing so many health tourists into the country to use our free system.
Finally, the differnce between the NHS and the US system is that the NHS operate on a patch-fix system rather than a preventative system. They are quite happy to have themselves clogged with out-patients using drugs and therapies which mange conditions rather than prevent or cure a lot of said conditions. I am an example of this myself. The NHS is rapidly becoming an emergency only system.