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Peugeot 206 Petrol - Temperature of engine coolant and engine noise - Mary-Anne

The coolant temperature in my car has always been around 70 -75. It suddenly moved to 90 last week on a long journey (but has not yet gone above this level). At the same time the engine started to make a noise - almost as if it was straining when in 3rd or 4th gear at speeds of over 30mph. I am not sure if the two are connected. I am taking the car to a garage this week but wondered if anyone has any ideas about things to check.

Peugeot 206 Petrol - Temperature of engine coolant and engine noise - dieselnut

90 is the correct temperature for the engine to run at. It could be that your thermostat is opening too soon or is slightly stuck open giving cooler running (70 - 75) around town.

When you say the engine sounds strained, do you mean it is increasing revs but not accelerating. If so. sounds like your clutch is slipping & will need replacing.

Peugeot 206 Petrol - Temperature of engine coolant and engine noise - Mary-Anne

Thanks very much