Very common.
Embed your scam as a bit of moody javascript in an outwardly innocent advert and let the ad peddlars push it to the punters for you. I am afraid this sort of thing is going to be with us until the ad servers refuse to accept anything that requires external links to content and also vet everything they serve.
Fat chance of that, as one of the things it would prevent is advertisers block booking slots and then populating them with whatever they want from their own content at will. Google were talking about "doing something about it" a while back. Rather unsurprsingly nothing came of it as they own Doubleclick, who are one of the worst offenders when it comes to moody content.
You'd be amazed at how much external, scripted and potentially nasty content is being fetched while rendering yer average page these days. There's all the google analytics stuff, those twitter / facebook / gplus tracking script buttons (which have pretty dubious behaviour in themselves) and such for starters, before you start digging into the banners and such.....