Brake's Corporate Funding - jamie745

First off i'd just like to explain what my gripe is with Brake. Where as i of course support the aims of improving road safety and cutting casualties i dont feel Brake contribute anything to this. Im sure it was started with the best of intentions and aims. The charity was founded in 1992 after Sue Williams (the founders mother) died from being hit in a stationary car by a tanker with defective brakes, the charity was formed to help victims of road crashes and to bring attention to safety issues. Thats fine.

However, they've now turned into another politically correct anti-car movement which spouts endless drivel, dreamed up by people unqualified to have an opinion on such matters and resort to some downright crass antics to get their point across. They believe the only way to drive safely is to drive as slowly as possible, they are totally obsessed with speed. To give you an example a couple of years ago a woman by the name of Mrs Cole was banned from driving for 7 days because she was on the M32 in Bristol doing no more than 10mph and wandering unpredictably between lanes. Now everyone here would agree that is life threateningly dangerous, but no says Brake. This is what Brake's spokeswoman Lorna Jackson had to say on the matter...

This case sends out a very strange message to drivers. Mrs Cole was not breaking the speed limit or endangering anyone with her actions, yet she received a seven day ban, when we commonly see drivers caught travelling at 80 or 90mph get away with a fine and three points.

That encapsulates their obsession with speed. She was driving below the speed limit hence there is no possible way she could ever be driving badly or dangerously. The mere fact she was driving under the speed limit = totally safe. In their view. The first thing they go to is 'she wasnt breaking the speed limit' nevermind the massive 50 car pileup she couldve caused. Any organisation which thinks driving on a motorway at 10mph is safe has no right to an opinion on road safety matters and definately doesnt deserve its Government funding and instant consultation status on every motoring law.

They have other vile things in their toolbox as well, their 20s plenty campaign urging drivers to drive 10mph below the speed limt to, and i quote 'let the kids live' and they got kids to walk to school with t-shirts with 'let me live' written on it. And the 'pledge2drivesafe' campaign, assuming if we dont take it up we must be pledging to drive dangerously? They want a £1000 fine and a ban for exceeding the speed limit by 1mph and their recent press release regarding the 80mph motorway limit consultation quoted 7 scientific studies to back up their points but some of them were up to 11 years old and many studies have been done since then which disprove them.

Its an organisation which believes the clam of '1mph reduction in speed limit cuts accidents by 5%' which relates to an old, limited sample study with no cause linked to correlation which was debunked about three years ago. They also want children to be taught of the 'dangers of driving' not driving dangerously, but the dangers of driving a car full stop. They want all cars to disappear and kiddies to turn roads into playgrounds, they are an anti-car organisation and on the rare occasion they threaten to make a sensible point they generally shoot themselves in the foot on that also. Not to mention the fact they use victims to back up their claims, vulnerable shellshocked people who they coerce into signing any claptrap they want them to in order to justify their claims. I find that very distasteful.

What i also find distasteful is the amount of money they get from various organisations. Here is a list of Brake's corperate sponsors, these are companies who donate a minimum of £5000 a year to Brake.

3M, Arriva, Arval, Autoglass, Aviva, Balfour Petty, Brigade Electronics, Cambridge Weight Plan, Churchill Insurance, Colas,, Co-Operative Funeral Care, Co-Operative Insurance, DBS Law Ltd, Diageo, Digby Brown Personal Injury Lawyers, Direct Line, Driving Theory 4 All, FedEx Express, Fentons Personal Injury Lawyers, F******************, Green Flag, Interactive Driving Systems Ltd, Irwin Mitchell Solicitors, Jet Petroleum, Just Car Clinic, Kuehne + Nagel, Lyons Davidson Solicitors, Masternaught Three, Mercedes Benz, Mix Telematics, MSIG, Network Rail, Northgate, Pannone, Jobs Pertemps, QBE, RBS Insurance, RTR Road To Recovery, Siemens, SpecSavers, TDG, Travis Perkins and

A few too many personal injury lawyer firms in there for my liking and i will not be renewing my car insurance with Direct Line as i do not want a penny of my money going to hysterical fact manglers who masquerade as a charity despite over £100,000 of their income last year not being spent on running the charity and indeed not accounted for at all (source: Brake's accounts) In total they receive over £500,000 from donations such as these including Government funds.

No surprise to see Network Rail in there which may explain why yearly casualties as a result of train accidents never get mentioned on their website and further re-inforces the fact they are an anti-car organisation. I dont mind people massaging or using selective statistics but some of their reading materials is just plain made up with no basis in fact or reality. Thats why i disapprove of such an organisation being given preferential treatment in terms of Government funding as no pro-car organisation would get such luxury and they clearly dont have the qualifications neccessary to form an opinion worthy of transport planners listening to, so shouldnt be involved.

They never mention deterring people from using a motorbike despite statistically proven to be more dangerous than a car because they believe every motorbike accident is caused by a life threatening car speeding! Its all speed, speed speed speed and its gotten out of hand.

Rant over

Edited by Avant on 08/10/2011 at 00:48

Brake's Corperate Funding - jamie745

That one which the swear filter got was Fleet...Support....Group.

Anyone want to explain why that gets ** out?

Brake's Corperate Funding - Sofa Spud

Brake campaigns for better road safety with the aim of cutting the number of deaths and injuries. The motoring media seems more interested in promoting the 'bad boy' aspect of motoring and tends to rubbish anything to do with safety, so it's a good job someone's in favour of safer roads.

As for Network rail, surely if they can get people out of cars and using trains trains more, and more freight off the roads and onto rail, the roads will be less congested and more enjoyable for people to drive on.

Edited by Sofa Spud on 07/10/2011 at 20:43

Brake's Corperate Funding - jamie745

This isnt true though Sofa Spud the majority of what Brake preach is 'dont drive a car' and some of their 'statistics' are blatantly false. I am in favour of safer roads but i am not in favour of a belief that driving at 10mph on the M32 "wasnt causing any danger."

Im in favour of a common sense approach with real science and real facts, not the hysterical rantings of a left wing communistical charity which aims to limit free movement by mangling fact and using selective statistics.

Saying if i dont support Brake i must therefore not support road safety is nonsense. I do not buy into the one extreme or the other culture, i want safe roads as much as anyone i just dont think constant enforcement, bans, regulations and lower speed limits are the way to do it.

Proper scientists and analysts can debunk their nonsense easily. The problem is they do not have a balanced view, you either agree with them 100% or you must be a speeding menace.

This page counters some of the untruths commonly used by propagandists opposed to speed cameras, and includes, at the end, links to academic papers proving the effectiveness of speed cameras.

It didnt, it had a few correlations but no evidence of cause. Propagandists indeed.

A pedestrian hit by a large 4x4 is more than twice as likely to be killed than if they were hit by a normal sized car.

Even more likely to be killed in a collision with a Bus but Buses are never mentioned on Brake's website. And motorcyclists only get one page, its all about cars.

There are more than 31 million vehicles on the road in Britain, 84% of which are cars. Each car is on average responsible for emissions of 4.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year, a major contributor to global warming

Indeed, 0.004% of Global manmade Emissions, to be exact. This was another justification for banning 4x4s on 'road safety' grounds.

4x4s are so damaging to the environment they should feature warnings similar to those on cigarette packets


Maximum engine capacity is limited to within the maximum speed limit

So every car driving at full revs at full pace, wearing the engine out and blowing cars up within a year. Fantastic. Does anyone at Brake have mechanical knowledge or qualifications?

There should be restrictions on road use, when sustainable, safer transport options are accessible

So they believe if i could get a Train to where i want to go, i shouldnt be allowed to drive there. You still think they want 'safe roads' or empty roads?

New drivers should be banned from carrying passengers other than their own family members.

So its ok to wipe your family out in a crash with an oil tanker but nobody else?

You are 10,000 times more likely to die or be injured in a car journey than on a plane

This is true, but while we're at it lets get some apples and some oranges...

In 2007 (the latest year for which statistics are available) 2,946 people were killed on Britain's roads.

Statistics are available for 2008, 2009 and 2010 but Brake have neglected to publish them because they show a large fall. Road deaths were just over 1800 in 2010. Selective statistics.

Their page entitled 'How likely am i to die on the road compared to other forms of Transport' lists 'road accidents' and Plane crashes only. This is very selective as they dont split the stats up to tell us more detail, i dont know how many people were hit by a Bus by reading their page, for example.

Brake advocates speed cameras on all roads, because all roads have speed limits.

Mr Orwell warned us of this lot.

Political concerns about the civil liberties of drivers are wrong-minded, and governments that are opposed to speed cameras are wrong minded.

So we're wrong then? No reasoning, no discussion, no debate? Well thats that then.

Some anti-camera organisations have argued that cameras are a money-raising initiative and not a safety initiative.

So they admit they're a pro-camera organisation then? At least we've cleared that up. Despite the fact on their website Brake also claim the scrapping of camera's will 'result in the loss of much needed revenue.' Hmmmmm.

Its this simplistic view of safe = slow and their suggestions of a minimum £1000 fine for breaking the speed limit even by 1mph in every circumstance and 6 points is just nonsense. Its a left wing anti-car movement which uses selective stats, they miss out stats and studies which dont support their argument, still hang onto seriously out of date ones which once did support their argument and want every road to have a speed camera on it in the belief speed is the cause of every single accident, when in fact it was present in only 5% of accidents last year. Theres 50,000 more examples i can give of their idiocy but i dont have all weekend but it seems like nobody at Brake drives a car, has any qualifications to an opinion on such matters or anything.

The rare occasion they do talk about uninsured drivers and drug driving their solution is always technology or surveillance based like 'fingerprinting systems on all cars to only allow the insured driver in' if we implimented all of their ideas, like a speed camera on every road and this rubbish it'd cost BILLIONS absolutely BILLIONS. Their approach is so over complicated its untrue.

Im sorry i just cannot get on board with such brainwashing, the charity was founded in good faith, but they no longer operate in such a manner.

Brake's Corperate Funding - jamie745

As for Network rail, surely if they can get people out of cars and using trains trains more, and more freight off the roads and onto rail, the roads will be less congested and more enjoyable for people to drive on.

But the only way Network Rail and Brake know of to achieve this is to tax or ban people out of their cars. Like restricting road use to get somewhere if i could use a train, if thats not visions of a car-free movement controlled communist utopia i dont know what is! They know the only way to make you get on a train is to force you out of your car, they have no other ideas.

Brake's Corperate Funding - Farm Hand

Jamie. We certainly get good value out of your posts! :-)

I for one applaud you for your regular in depth posts to keep us entertained and ask all the topical questions that is probably on most peoples minds.

I think most people agree that the automobile is not the monster Brake have you believe. It is true they have a very unbalanced and unrealistic view of the transport system.

I received an Outdoor catalogue the other day, and in the centre pages there is an image of a guy sat in front of the telly with a cup of tea - and the caption reads:-


So for everyone who dares to venture outside of the house to persue whatever you want to persue - it involves a bit of risk - or a lot of risk in some cases. But IMO driving on our roads is an acceptable risk for all the benefits it gives individuals.

Britain is a country that loves their cars - for all sorts of reasons - full stop. So many users cant be wrong can they? Its about time Britain acknowledged that the car is here to stay and try and improve what we have got (road networks, car technology, training etc.) and make the vast majority of us people (drivers) happy.

Brake's Corperate Funding - jamie745

So many users cant be wrong can they?

People like Brake, Network Rail, Transport 2000 etc which is like a big flim flam machine full of vested interests in propaganda reliant funding which needs breaking up, would all have us believe we are all wrong. We all use a car because we're forced to, we cant walk anywhere because a car will kill us, we cant cycle because a car will kill us, we cant use trains because they're not good enough (T2000 actually believes if Trains were vastly improved, motorists would flock out of their cars onto the trains) and we're forced violently into cars by those evil capitalist monsters because we simply have no choice. When Brake champion things which give us no choice but to not use cars. 32 million people dont pay £50billion in taxes annually between them to keep cars on the road if they absolutely hate them.

The fact is our roads are safer than our hospitals, we've made excellent progression in road safety using common sense, policing and education. We have Europe's second safest roads and only 0.5% of deaths in the UK last year were on the road. Compared to 33% from cancer, for instance. 72 Camera Partnerships are still delaying releasing their data, 75 have released data but only very selective portions of it, if there was proof camera's worked they'd be keen to share it with us, so what are they hiding?

Their constant bleating of speed speed speed is so annoying. Their campaign to 'save our camera's' is propaganda at its best. And their explanation is always 'the slower you go, the more time you have to stop' which is true but Brake make no mention of other road users also having a responsibility to behave accordingly also. And i quote...

If we slow down on all roads, we can stop in time and stop the deaths. And people can walk and cycle around their communities again in safety.

Remove the car to suit the cyclist, who apparently has no responsibility to take for themselves at all.

Our campaign, Kids Say Slow Down, is led by the people who matter most - children

For the added distasteful heart-strings approach this page is accompanied by a child holding a sign saying 'Let Kids Live' so presumably by disagreeing with their methods i must want kids to die?

Speed is the biggest killer. The faster drivers go, the longer it takes to stop and the more likely they are to crash, kill and maim.

This is literally false. Speed is not the biggest killer, its been a minority cause, factor or prescence in road deaths for years now. You could read it to mean speed is the biggest killer by believing if there was never any speed or movement, there'd be no crashes. Which is pretty obvious but hardly a productive policy.

Just going back to the 4x4 argument, theres cars which are bigger, heavier, more polluting and less fuel efficient but are not 4x4s but they never get any of the criticism from these people. Park a BMW M5 outside Greenpeace and nobody cares, put a 15 year old Grand Vitara there and they go nuts. Lack of education, Brake have fallen for it as well.

help us achieve safer roads, reduced car dependency and vehicle emissions, and greener, healthier, happier communities.

Take cars off the road to make it safer, another regressive approach. Reduce car dependancy and increase train and bus dependancy no doubt, but thats ok because thats not a car. Trains and Buses are more environmentally damaging than cars (fact) and the health argument is a non starter, this belief of 'all the kids are fat cos of cars!' is nonsense, kids are fat because of the parents, end of. And i wouldnt be happier if i didnt have my car and had to depend on a Train instead. They assume the entire World agrees with them. Its car hate, thats all it is.

They seem to think Buses run on fairy dust....very odd.

Brake's Corporate Funding - Avant


I can't think either why that should have offended our sensitive filter, so let's test it again.




Sorry, I've no idea: but I promise that those were the words that I typed at the top of the thread!

Edit - I've googled this name, of which I hadn't heard. They are a fleet management company, and it's possible that they've tried to get publicity on here and therefore got blocked. Anyway we know you weren't swearing, Jamie, and I never dreamed of suspecting that you were!!

Edited by Avant on 08/10/2011 at 00:51

Brake's Corporate Funding - jamie745

Im sure you would never of suspected me of such a thing Avant! :)

Corporate donator of Brake who is possibly also a HJ spammer, the plot thickens!

Brake's Corporate Funding - Chris M

jamie745. As usual you have some useful and thought provoking views on a subject, which I am certain are of interest to other backroomers. But I feel I am not alone in not wanting to spend time wading through nearly 3000 words to find out what they are. I know you will say you like to go into great detail and you can type at 200 words a minute, but the rest of us can't read that quick and have other things to do in our lives other than be on here. Please precis your arguments so that we can all join in.

Brake's Corporate Funding - jamie745

Hi Chris, the problem i have with this subject specifically is im highlighting how the organisation uses selective statistics (and some of it made up) so i dont want to appear to be selective myself by only highlighting some points in bullet points as it were. Unfortunately by being thorough (unlike Brake) it then ends up too long for people to bother with, but when you're debunking many years of nonsense its hard to condense it into a 200 word piece.

I might revise it in a 'Brake Say..' and then under it 'Jamie says' to debunk their very entertaining myths which might be easier to read.