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Roof racks - CM
SWMBO is in the process of sprogging and I think that I will shortly be needing to get a roof rack (or rather box). We already seem to have little room with our rubbish and will be hard pushed to squeeze everything in when the next one comes along.

Does any one have any advice on what to look for. I have heard of Thule but are there any other makes that are better (value for money). As it will not be used the whole time it would be best if it was easy to (dis)mount.

Any advice would be great as the sales are soon coming!
Roof racks - terryb
No advice on boxes, but I have a rack/bars suitable for a Mk III Golf if that's any use...

Roof racks - Ian Cook
SWMBO is in the process of sprogging and I think that
I will shortly be needing to get a roof rack (or
rather box).

Surely, CM - you're not going to put SWMBO on top! Or is the new baby?

As an aside, this reminds me of an incident concerning my mother, who is a fairly spritely 80 year old. I will say in advance that I don't want anyone taking offence at this, because there is no racism intended. It is a statement of what happened

Until a couple of years ago she used to travel on the train from Brighton to Bristol, to stay with us. The last time she booked her seat the booking clerk, himself Asian, asked mother what seat location she prefered. She asked for an inside seat (i.e. not window), presumably so that she could get up to visit the powder room more easily. The booking clerk's reply was: "madam, all the seats are inside - this is not India, you know.

They both fell about laughing. The thing is, I think the booking clerk knew more about the way the railways were heading than he let on. Perceptive man.

Ian Cook
Roof racks - CM
Ian, LOL about the train.

As for the box, am not sure they make them big enough for SWMBO and the children.
Roof racks - Toad, of Toad Hall.


The wife in law's father's father worked on the Indian Railways in the Days of British Rule.

Dunno where I'm going with that...
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
Roof racks - RichardW
You will probably not do better than Thule, but you might find 'cheaper' - not necessarily 'better value' though....

In this situation I would consider first a bigger car and second a trailer - much less wind resistance to increase your fuel bills, much easier to load, and take on and off the car, and can grow with your brood. Also my understanding of roof boxes is that they are eye wateringly expensive for what they are - you'd probably get the trailer and bar fitted for that price!

Roof racks - CM
Live in London so not really ideal having a trailer. I take youor point on board re: decreased mpg.

Is the speed limit with a trailer - 50 mph? If so a real minus point.

Already got an estate car so changing to an even bigger one will give marginal benefits and also be a lot more expensive for those few times that I want extra space.

Thanks for the advice over Thule
Roof racks - RichardW
50mph on country roads, 60 on dual carriageways / m-ways. Speed cameras don't know if you towing though! My dad tows at a steady 70-75 on the m-way and never a call from the plod. Yet.

Roof racks - HF

No advice whatsoever, but just very best wishes for impending sprogging - let us know when it arrives and we will share a virtual celebration with you :)
Roof racks - smokie
I was travelling on a cold night on the weekend before last Belgian motorway at just under 110 mph and was overtaken quickly by a guy towing a jet ski.

Shortly i caught him up, he'd slowed. Plenty of indicator flashing and brake dabbing from him, so I slowed a little and sure enough there was a police car ahead...
Roof racks - volvoman
I have a Thule weekender box which I've used on 3 of my previous cars with a set of universal bars.

The box cost £230 (6-7 years ago) and the bars about £60. The box is great but not worth the money IMHO. Easy to mount/dismount via 4 U brackets which bolt under the bars an are secured inside the box. The bars are another story. Sturdy but fiddly and time consuming to fit. If I used the box more often I'd leave them on permanently !

If you're not going to be using the box all that often (annual holidays, odd weekends away etc.), I'd go for a cheaper one (Paddy Hopkirk, c.£70 or something similar) and spend a bit more on bars which are simple to use and secure. Of course you may have or wish to buy bars designed for your car but bear in mind that if/when you change car you'll need to buy some more in which case universal bars might be a better bet.

Thule products are very good so if you want the quality but not the price, why not check out the camping/touring magazines etc. and see if you can get a secondhand one.
If I were selling mine I don't suppose I could get more than about £50 for it so you could get a bargain.

Hope this helps.
Roof racks - Tim Allcott
Thule bars are pricey but very rapid to fit and dismount once you've set them to your car (less than 2 minutes for each operation)
Car roof boxes are much cheaper in France if you were thinking of a day trip!
I bought a 'Feu Vert'(their Halfords) own make for 2/3 of the price of a UK equivalent with the same sort of fitting as Volvoman describes.

Roof racks - Dogbreath
I got the Thule roof bars - £70 but very good. Easy on - Easy off. Driving-wise they make a wind noise above 50mph. They seem like they will last forever.
Roof racks - zarqon
I got my box – a Frapa - from www.roofbox.co.uk. their service was excellent and they have a very wide choice. I too have doubts about the value for money, but its very handy after spending the day on a French beach you can just throw all the wet sandy stuff in the box, at the end of the holiday you just hose it out!

I thought about a trailer but had concerns about security, it would appear very easy to unhook it and drive it away – unbolting a roof box is a much more conspicuous exercise.

Roof racks - JohnM{P}
Yes - look at www.roofbox.co.uk - it has loads of useful advice on roofboxes, bars, cycle carriers etc.
(No connection, just a satisfied customer!)